Lansing Community College

This standing committee of the Academic Senate will provide faculty input and advice to the administration concerning priorities in the College-wide deployment of capital or financial resources and provide a voice for programs concerned about budgetary issues, except as covered by the scope of collective bargaining.

  • Committee Charter

    Charge to the Committee
    • Represent the Academic Senate in providing input to the college early in the budgeting process before decisions are made regarding educational issues, capital improvements, and deployment of financial and human resources (including grant funding).
    • Make recommendations to the administration concerning issues of college-wide priorities and participate in budget development meetings as decisions are being made and before a final budget is submitted to the Board of Trustees.
    • Provide input regarding Full-Time Faculty Prioritization
    • Encourage all faculty and administration to participate in a continuous quality improvement model for a collaborative and transparent budget-building process.
    • Represent the Academic Senate and facilitate dialogue among the Academic Senate, administration, and faculty throughout the budget process to encourage ongoing dialogue in budget meetings, particularly at the program, department and divisional level.
      • Alert Academic Senators to key points in the budget cycle and equip senators to participate in conversations with their program leads, department chairs, and deans.
      • Assist faculty and departments in understanding the importance of Program Operating Plans and their impact on budget.
      • Be a resource to the Academic Senate regarding the budgeting process and the ongoing budget cycle.
      • Represent the Academic Senate at budgetary meetings with labor coalitions and special meetings.
      • Represent the Academic Senate at Program Review meetings.
      • Provide input and advice to the Academic Senate, deans, other divisional leadership, provost, and college president, as increased investment, as reallocations, cuts, or adjustments are made.
    • Provide a voice for those in the LCC community, including dissenting views, through regular analysis and discussion of budget priorities with senior leadership should budgetary issues arise.
    • Take on special projects related to budgetary issues as requested by the president of the Academic Senate or provost and approved by the committee.
    • The Chair must be a faculty member of the Academic Senate.
    • The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed by the Academic Senate President from amongst the membership of the committee.
    • 70% teaching faculty (fulltime and/or adjunct)
    • A minimum of 4 Academic Senators.
    • Representation from each division of the College will be encouraged
      • Arts & Sciences 
      • Health & Human Services
      • Technical Careers
      • Community Education & Workforce Development
      • Student Affairs
      • Non-teaching members
    • Ex-officio Members
      • Academic Senate President per Senate Bylaws
    • Resource Members
      • Chief Financial Officer and/or designee(s)
    • Other members as necessary
    Member and Chair Selection

    Will be appointed under the direction of the Executive Committee




    Charter Approval

    The above Budget Committee charter was approved by the Academic Senate on March 26, 2021; revised November 3, 2023.

  • Budget Committee Members

    Marvin Argersinger, Chair (Faculty)
    Automotive Technologies, Technical Careers 

    Michael Giles, Vice-Chair (Faculty)
    Political Science, Arts & Sciences

    Alexandra Beard (Faculty)
    Economics, Arts & Sciences

    Lisa Whiting Dobson (Faculty)
    Digital Media, Audio & Cinema, Arts & Sciences

    Marc Fennell (Faculty)
    Fire Science Academy, Technical Careers

    Gerard Haddad (Faculty)
    Economics, Arts & Sciences

    Andrea Hoagland (Administrative)
    Dean, Arts & Sciences

    Tricia McKay (Administrative)
    Child Development and Early Education, Health & Human Services

    Eva Menefee (Faculty)
    Advising, Student Affairs

    Jean Ramirez (Faculty)
    Sociology, Arts & Sciences

    Kabeer Ahammad Sabir (Faculty)
    Biology, Arts & Sciences

    Denise Warner (Faculty)
    English, Arts & Sciences

    Richard Williams (Faculty)
    Community Education & Workforce Development

  • Meetings & Reports

    All meetings of the Budget Committee are open to the public. The AY24-25 meeting dates are listed below. Please contact the Committee Chair, or contact the Academic Senate's Secretary for information.

    Fall 2024
    • TBA
    Spring 2025
    • TBA
  • Innovation Award - Apply today for funding

    LCC is accepting applications for a collegewide award program designed to fund creative program development and delivery. This is the final year that funding will be available through the Innovation Award!

    This awards program is paid for by a $500,000 designated fund, established by the LCC Board of Trustees, which sunsets this year.

    The Innovative Program Research and Development Award will fund projects that:

    • Create a new certificate or degree program that might increase enrollment and prepare students for future job market opportunities; or,
    • Offer an existing degree or certificate in an innovative modality that will increase accessibility and completion opportunities.

    Funding can be used to pay for costs like:

    • Curriculum development pay for adjuncts, or overload or re-assigned time for full-time faculty;
    • Materials and supplies; and,
    • Professional development or consultant fees.

    Examples of innovative projects include:

    • Development of alternative delivery modes or integration of new instructional technology or innovative use of existing technology (such as hybrid or HyFlex classes or simulation labs);
    • Development of accelerated courses or degree pathways (such as industry certifications);
      Development of stackable certificates for a degree;
    • Use of emerging technologies and equipment (for example, new certificate program for drone operators);
    • Professional development or curriculum development for an interdisciplinary or cross-functional program that leads to new stackable certificates, innovative programs, acceleration to degree/credential, etc.; and,
      Z degrees (no textbook costs for the degree program).

    These awards are one component of living out LCC’s 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, particularly the focus areas of Competitiveness and Innovation and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Award determinations will be based in part on a clear explanation of how a project plan aligns with those focus areas.

    Please discuss projects with your program or department, lead faculty, associate dean and other impacted parties. Team support is one critical component of a successful application.

    All current employees are eligible to apply for this award, including full- and part-time faculty, staff and administrators. Employees can work solo or in groups.

    Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until all available funds have been awarded or funds are reallocated back to the college.

    Get all the details by downloading the application. For questions, please contact the Academic Senate Budget Committee at

Archived Meeting Minutes


Contact the Provost

Administrative Building at LCC

Administration Bldg, Room 301

Sally Welch
Phone: (517) 483-1725

Laura Medina
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Phone: (517) 483-1725
Fax: (517) 483-1845


Additional Contact