Procedures are listed below their respective policy.
Employees can find additional Standard Operating Procedures on the O: drive by selecting
the folder titled APPROVED SOPs.
Please note: You must be logged into your LCC VPN to access these files.
Student and Instruction Procedures
3.010 - Academic Amnesty
3.020 - Academic Due Process
3.030 - Academic Records
- Academic Transcripts
- Converting Sections to Online Format in an Emergency
- Deceased Student - Record Mangement
- Educational Record Verification
- Nationally Normed Exam Review
- Repeating a Course
3.040 - Academic Standing
3.050 - Approval of New Courses and Programs
- Academic Senate Participation in Governance
- Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Electives Course Review
- Major Codes
- Michigan Transfer Agreement Course Review
- New Courses and Programs of Study Approval
- Revised Course Approval
- State Authorization Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures
3.060 - Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
- Academic Senate Participation in Governance
- Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Electives Course Review
- General Education Proposal Approval
- Michigan Transfer Agreement Course Review
3.070 - Assignment of Credit Hours
3.080 - Canceling Course Sections
3.090 - Classroom and Laboratory Visitation
3.100 - Credit for Previously Acquired Knowledge and Learning Experience
- Credit Earned by Examination
- Credit for Experiential Learning
- Credit for Licensure, Certification, and Other Credentials
- Nationally Normed Exam Review
- Program-Level Course Substitutions and Waivers
- Repeating a Course
- Transfer Credit – Evaluation and Acceptance
- Transfer Credit – General Credit
- Transfer Credit Earned at Foreign Institutions
- Transfer Credit Earned from Nationally Normed Exams
- Transfer Credit Earned in the U.S. Armed Forces
3.110 - Dual Enrollment Program
3.120 - Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out of State or International Tuition
- Institutional Scholarship for International Students
- Tuition – Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out-of-State, or International Rate
3.130 - Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Students
3.140 - Granting of Additional Associate Degrees
3.150 - Partnerships
3.160 - Program Review
- Associate of Arts and Associate of Science Electives Course Review
- Courses and Programs of Study - Internal Communication
- Curriculum Code Changes
- Establishment of Minimum Faculty Qualifications for a Course
- Faculty Qualifications – Establishment and Verification of Individual Minima
- Faculty Qualifications Procedure
- Major Codes
- Michigan Transfer Agreement Course Review
- Program Review
- State Authorization Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures
- Timely and Meaningful Feedback
3.170 - Student Attendance
- Course Management System Gradebook Use
- Enrollment Verification and Student Attendance
- Faculty Availability for Student Inquiry
- Late Registration and Schedule Adjustments
- Timely and Meaningful Feedback
3.180 - Student Complaints
Human Resources Procedures
4.020 - American with Disability Act (ADA) Reasonable Accommodations
4.030 - Children in the Workplace
4.050 - Employee Personnel Records
4.070 - Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Employees
- Employment Background Check
- Ethics Training for Communication with Prospective Students
- Military-Connected Student File Retention
- Timely and Meaningful Feedback
- Timely Faculty Response to Students
4.080 - Evaluation
4.090 - Family and Medical Leave Act
4.110 - Nondiscrimination
4.120 - Prohibited Sex or Gender Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
- Investigating Title IX Complaints of Sexual Misconduct or Gender Discrimination
- Resolution Process for Alleged Violations of Prohibited Sex and Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
- Student Title IX Grievance Process
4.130 - Remote Work
4.140 - Severance
4.150 - Sick Leave
Finance Procedures
5.020 - Capital Projects
5.040 - External Community Sponsorship
5.090 - Travel and Business Related Expense
5.100 - Veterans/Dependents In-State Tuition
Administration and Facilities Procedures
6.010 - Acceptable Use
6.020 - Advertising/Underwriting
6.030 - Emergency Management and Preparedness
6.040 - Facilities Use
6.080 - Naming of Facilities
6.100 - Records Management