New Students
Visit to complete your next enrollment steps.
why attend orientation?
During orientation you will learn about support services, all LCC technology systems, financial aid, academic advising, take a tour of the college and much more.
Where can I find my student number?
Log into your MyLCC and click the "Profile" tab, it will displayed under "My Banner ID". The number will be presented in a "X00------" format.
Guest Students
What is a guest student?
A guest student primarily studies at another college or university (referred to as the home institution) who wishes to take a limited number of courses at LCC to complete their program from their home institution.
Do I need to apply to LCC to be a guest student?
Yes - Apply as a guest student. Without a student number, students cannot register for classes. Guest Students do not need to attend orientation.
How can I waive my placement tests?
You can submit a Waiver Request Form to waive your reading, writing, and math placement tests. You can find more information on the Waiver Information webpage.
What is the difference between transfer credits and a waiver?
A transfer credit is when a credit transfers in and becomes a part of the student's educational record at LCC. It takes six to eight weeks for transfer credit evaluations to be completed. Transferred-in credits can be used towards an LCC degree or certificate. In order to start the process of transferring, the student must provide the school they previously attended.
Am I required to go to Orientation?
You are not required to go to orientation. If there is an orientation hold on your student account, you will need to contact the StarZone to request an orientation override.
How do I know if a class will transfer?
The Michigan Transfer Network is a tool that LCC Advisors use to see if certain classes will transfer or not; however, the transferring school will ultimately have the answer. You can also view the LCC transfer agreements.
How do I know what classes are offered?
You can view classes in Banner or the schedule book. Visit to view the online schedule book.
How do I know what the pre-reqs are for a specific class?
Prerequisites can be found in Banner or curriculum guides.
Returning Students
I am returning to LCC and it has been some time, what are the steps involved to getting back to school?
Contact the Help Desk to access LCC's computer system (Banner/myLCC). It is highly recommended that you meet with an Academic Advisor to create a MAP (My Academic Plan) before registering for classes.
How do I declare/change my major?
Declare or change your major in two ways: (1) complete the online form or (2) complete a physical copy of the form at the Advising Desk in the StarZone at the Downtown Campus.
Where can I find my curriculum guide?
You can find the curriculum guides at the on your program's webpage.
How do I contact my professor?
Professor contact information can be found on the class syllabus, D2L, or the online directory. You can also contact the professor via the department for which the class is held - i.e. BIOL 210, call the Biology Department.
The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500