When an emergency arises, it's important to be prepared. First aid training is required for some employees by Michigan Occupational Safety and Health (MIOSHA) or other regulatory agencies, or where the employee has a duty to act as defined in their job description.
Response Teams
- Building Emergency Response Team (BERT)
- LCC fosters and trains a team of LCC employees organized by building, who receive additional training to aid in emergencies. The Emergency Management Department (EMD) provides specialized training and practice (exercises) each semester for BERT members.
- If you are interested in becoming a BERT member, contact your supervisor or your Building ERT Coordinator.
- Incident Management Team
- LCC uses the National Incident Management System (NIMS) model to effectively manage incidents and response. During an emergency incident, the LCC Incident Management Team (IMT) is focused on obtaining and providing situational awareness, communication, collaboration, and providing necessary resources to incident first responders and to the IMT working in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
- LCC Police Department (PD)
- LCC PD responds to and investigates all criminal incidents which take place on a campus within our jurisdiction. The Police Department at LCC functions as an independent sworn law enforcement agency with all the powers and authority of a local law enforcement entity. See the referenced link above for more services offered by LCC PD.
Guide & Plans
- Emergency Response Guide (ERG)
- An ERG is posted by the door of every LCC classroom, in many main hallways, by some elevators and stairwells. The ERG provides a quick reference regarding guidelines in case of a variety of emergencies. A video regarding the ERG is provided on the EMD webpage.
- Building Action Plan (BAP)
- A Building (emergency) Action Plan has been developed for occupied buildings on all LCC campuses. See your building BERT coordinator for the building response plan.
Since effective response during an emergency incident begins with preparedness—developing effective plans, regular training, and regular practice sessions (exercises,) the LCC Emergency Management Department (EMD) provides emergency response training to BERT members on a regularly prescribed basis. Training for BERT members include, but is not limited to:
- American Heart Association (AHA) Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED training
- Stop-the-Bleed training
- Basic triage
- De-escalation
- Fire extinguisher use
- Various LCC response procedures and relevant topics
- NIMS online training
Everyone should become familiar with the LCC Emergency Response Guide (ERG) and watch the ERG video on the EMD webpage.
- First Aid Kits
- First Aid Kits are located throughout LCC campuses and are maintained by division department or program personnel.
- Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- ZOLL AEDs are conveniently located on all LCC campuses and are inspected monthly. BERT and LCC PD members are trained in use.
First Aid Kit Information
MIOSHA requires that first aid kits at LCC must comply with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z308.1-2021. Our institution provides two types of first aid kits, Class A and Class B, which should be selected based on the severity and potential risks within specific divisions, departments, or programs.
First aid kits can be tailored to the type of injury anticipated in any given work area, for example, machine shops should consider additional absorbent compresses for bleeding control, material handling - tweezers or a splinter removal kit, etc.
First Aid Kit Supplies
Divisions, departments, or programs must provide their kits for their areas and ensure that they are adequately stocked with supplies and inspected monthly.
First Aid Kit Locations
According to MIOSHA (Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards, first aid kits should be readily accessible to employees in the workplace. They should be located in areas where there is a likelihood of injuries or illnesses occurring. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z308.1-2021 standard states that first aid kits should be placed in visible and easily reachable locations, clearly marked with appropriate signage.
Additional Resources
- Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) General Industry Health Safety and Health Standard - PDF File Part 472 Medical Services and First Aid
LCC's Emergency Response Guide
Please Note
Occupational & Environmental Safety does not supply first aid kits or the contents; divisions, departments, or programs must provide their kits for their areas and ensure that they are adequately stocked with supplies and inspected monthly.

Contact Us
Occupational & Environmental Safety
David Yeomans II
Director of Occupational & Environmental Safety
Phone: 517-483-1812
Email: yeomand3@star.lcc.edu
Location: Academic and Office Facility
Room 108