Procurement and purchasing activities help to support the strategic goals of the College. Purchasing policies and procedures are in place to ensure that purchases are made in the best interest of Lansing Community College and in compliance with State and Federal guidelines.
Purchasing Policy & Procedures
Procurement Ethics
The LCC Purchasing Department abides by the highest standards of excellence and integrity in all our Vendor relationships. We are committed to adhering to the Code of Ethics promoted by the National Association of Educational Procurement. The NAEP Code of Ethics as stated on their website:
Purchasing professionals must have a highly developed sense of professional ethics to protect their own and their institution’s reputation for fair dealing.
- Give first consideration to the objectives and policies of my institution.
- Strive to obtain the maximum value for each dollar of expenditure.
- Decline personal gifts or gratuities.
- Grant all competitive suppliers equal consideration insofar as state or federal statute and institutional policy permit.
- Conduct business with potential and current suppliers in an atmosphere of good faith, devoid of intentional misrepresentation.
- Demand honesty in sales representation whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement, an advertisement, or a sample of the product.
- Receive consent of originator of proprietary ideas and designs before using them for competitive purchasing purposes.
- Make every reasonable effort to negotiate an equitable and mutually agreeable settlement of any controversy with a supplier; and/or be willing to submit any major controversies to arbitration or other third party review, insofar as the established policies of my institution permit.
- Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions permit to all who call on legitimate business missions.
- Cooperate with trade, industrial and professional associations, and with governmental and private agencies for the purposes of promoting and developing sound business methods.
- Foster fair, ethical and legal trade practices.
- Counsel and cooperate with NAEP Members and promote a spirit of unity and a keen interest in professional growth among them.
Best Value
Award of a Purchase Order/contract is based on best value to the College. Various criteria is used in determining the best value including price, quality, availability, delivery, sustainability, energy star rating, and fitness for the particular purpose. Consideration is also given to the Contractor s’ potential ability to successfully perform under the invitation to bid terms and conditions, and Contractor past performance record.
Cooperative Purchasing
The College is authorized to purchase goods and services through cooperative purchasing.
The NIGP, The Institute for Public Procurement defines cooperative purchases below:
Cooperative Procurement is a term that refers to the combining of requirements of two or more public procurement entities1 to leverage the benefits of volume purchases, delivery and supply chain advantages, best practices, and the reduction of administrative time and expenses. Cooperative procurement efforts may result in contracts that other entities may “piggyback”.
Piggyback (Piggyback Cooperatives) is a form of intergovernmental cooperative purchasing in which an entity will be extended the same pricing and terms of a contract entered into by another entity. Generally the originating entity will competitively award a contract that will include language allowing for other entities to utilize the contract, which may be to their advantage in terms of pricing, thereby gaining economies of scale that they would otherwise not receive if they competed on their own.

Contact Us
Purchasing Department
Washington Court Place, Suite 202
309 N Washington Square
Main Phone: 517-483-1785
Fax: 517-483-5289