The Student Code of Conduct and Student General Rules and Guidelines ensure the protection of student rights and the health and safety of the College community, as well as to aid in efficiently operating College programs. The Code of Conduct and Rules and Guidelines apply from the time of admission to the College and continue as long as the student remains enrolled at the College.
They are also applicable to a student's conduct even if the student withdraws from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. It is the responsibility of each student to know and abide by the Student Code of Conduct and Student General Rules and Guidelines. In addition, the College has established procedures for reporting and addressing alleged violations in accordance with the College's Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Students Policy.
The following violations are some, but not all, examples that will result in OSC intervention:
- Disruption or obstruction of teaching and learning, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, College activities, events, or service functions.
- Physical violence or assault; threats of physical violence; or threatening behavior which causes harm, or produces a risk of harm; or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of persons or the College community.
- Intimidation; harassment; coercion; bullying; or other conduct which threatens or endangers thehealth or safety of a person or persons.
- Attempted or actual theft of College property or property of a member or members of the College community; unauthorized use or possession of; and/or damage to College property or property of others.
- Violation of any College policies, rules or procedures published in hard copy or available electronically on the College website, including in a course syllabus or program handbook.
- Academic Dishonesty - cheating and plagiarism.
- Violation of the Drug and Alcohol Policy.
- Theft, abuse, unethical use, and/or misuse of College technology, computing facilities, and resources, including any violation of the LCC Acceptable Use Policy.
View Student General Rules and Guidelines and Code of Conduct in its entire form.

Contact Us
Student Compliance
Room 1204 Gannon Building
Phone: 517-483-1261
Director of Student Compliance/Student Title IX Coordinator:
Christine Thompson
Student Title IX Investigator/Conduct Officer:
Lisa Anzicek
Student Compliance Liaison:
Ann Marie Foley