Testing Services proctors LCC course exams for online and hybrid courses, lecture makeup exams and for students with accommodations for testing.
Some online/hybrid courses, even if the class is completely online, may require students to come in person to take an exam in a proctored environment. View courses with required in-person testing. You can also check your syllabus or contact your instructor to determine if you will be required to do so.
Exams for online courses can be taken at Downtown Campus, West Campus, East Campus and Livingston County Center or an approved non-LCC testing site.
Student Testing Guidelines
- Check the hours and locations
- Bring a photo ID. If you do not have a photo ID you will not be able to test.
- You will not be able to leave the testing room without submitting your work, finished or unfinished. It is advisable to use the restroom before you come to take your test.
- Be prepared to know the following information:
- Your instructor’s name
- Your class code (e.g. PSYC 200, BIOL 120)
- Your test name (e.g. Test 1, Midterm, Quiz 2)
- Cell phones, smart watches and other electronic devices are prohibited in the testing room. Cell phone lockers and cubbies for storage are available in the testing center lobby.
- Student TI-Nspire calculators cannot be used on exams in the Testing Center, unless otherwise noted by the course instructor. One may be borrowed from Testing Services (CX CAS model). Other graphing calculators that have programs saved may be required to be reset, or a similar graphing calculator may be borrowed.
- The only materials allowed at your desk are the materials allowed for your test, as noted by your instructor.
- Instructors can contact Testing Services directly to extend their exam due dates.
Off-Campus Testing Options
You may also request to test at an approved off-campus (non-LCC) testing site, typically another college testing center. Test proctoring fees may apply at non-LCC testing centers. If you need assistance locating a proctor, contact us at 517-267-5501 or email lcc_online_testing@lcc.edu.
Requests to test at a non-LCC testing site must be submitted at least 5 days in advance of the open date of your exam, in order to ensure your site is approved, and that there is time to send test information and materials to your testing site. Once your non-LCC site is approved, all tests will be sent to that offsite proctor for the semester.
Complete the Proctor Request Form to designate your proctor.
Online Proctoring
ProctorU is a service that monitors you while you are taking your exams online using your webcam and microphone. Please note that ProctorU is only available for students in online classes taking exams in Desire2Learn.
In order to use ProctorU, you will need:
- To test alone in a private, well-lit room with a cleared workspace
- A high-speed internet connection
- A webcam and microphone (internal or external)
- A government-issued photo ID
- Ensure your equipment is working and download ProctorU's Guardian Browser prior to your first exam
ProctorU cannot be used with Chromebooks or tablets. Scrap paper is not allowed, but dry-erase boards (whiteboards) may be used instead (available for low prices at most dollar and grocery stores).
Proctor U charges a fee of $15 - $25 depending on the length of time of the exam. Exams scheduled with ProctorU less than 72 hours in advance will incur additional on-demand scheduling fees.
Complete the Proctor Request Form to use ProctorU.
Accommodations for course testing
Students who need special accommodations for course testing must contact the Center for Student Access (CSA) online or by calling 517-483-1924. CSA approves all accommodations for course testing, such as extended time, quiet room or reader use, etc.
Students scheduling an appointment with a reader need to call Reader Services directly
at 517-483-1225.
Please notify Reader services to cancel or reschedule a reader or scribe.
Please Note
The Testing Support Office requires five to seven business days to process a request. The Testing Support Office reserves the right to deny services and will notify a student if they are unable to approve a proctoring services request.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding proctor requests or off-campus testing, please contact the Testing Support Office at 517-267-5503 or by email at lcc_online_testing@lcc.edu.

Contact Us
Testing Center
Gannon Building, Room 2228
Phone: 517-267-5500
Email: lcc-testing-services@lcc.edu