The Thomas A. Coens Quality Fund provides scholarships for eligible applicants to attend classes, seminars, programs, conferences or to host guest speakers for the purpose of learning about or applying quality management or progressive management philosophies and practices. This fund was established to honor the memory of Thomas A. Coens who worked ceaselessly in the community and at Lansing Community College, to promote the quality management philosophy of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and/or emerging theories and understandings of organizational and personal excellence.
Scholarship and Program Fund Requests
Scholarship Criteria
- The applicant is an LCC student, faculty or staff member, or administrator.
- The class, seminar, program, guest speaker, or conference relates to the quality management philosophy or practices of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and/or emerging theories and understandings of organizational and personal excellence. Examples of eligible classes and programs are listed in the addendum to this agreement.
Examples of Funding Opportunities
This is a sample and those applying for this scholarship are not limited to these examples:
- MGMT 200 Creative Thinking for Business
- MGMT 235 Independent Study in Management and Leadership
- MGMT 237 Managing for Continual Improvement
- MGMT 228 Organization Behavior
- MGMT 300 Leading for Possibility
- MGMT 304 Organization Development
- MGMT 335 Managerial Statistics
- MGMT 338 Current Topics in Management
- MGMT 345 Context and Transformation
- IQI Academy for Quality Management Fundamentals, which was started by CQI and is currently offered by the Institute for Quality and Innovation (IQI), an independent descendent of CQI -
- Additional IQI or other progressive management Programs, Speakers, and Conferences
Complete the Application and submit to the Selection Committee:
Contact the LCC Foundation

Phone: 517-483-1985
Fax: 517-267-5554
Lansing Community College Foundation
Downtown Campus
Washington Court Place
309 N. Washington Square, Ste. 201
Lansing, MI 48933
United States
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm