Who can screen?
Students who have successfully completed or are currently enrolled in SIGN 163 (ASL 3), SIGN 166 (Fingerspelling), SIGN 167 (Beginning Sign to Voice), and SIGN 170 (Expressive/Receptive ASL).
If it has been more than one year since you have taken the ITP Screening you will need to re-screen.
When is the screening?
The ITP screening is typically held the 3rd week of July.
How do I sign up?
The application is available on the D2L course site. You must submit your application on or before the specified deadline. Specific submission requirements are detailed in the application itself. After you submit your application, you will be contacted to select a date and time for your screening.
Please note: Do not try to register for SIGN 200, 240, or 261 until after you've received your acceptance email in August.
Practicum Orientation
The work-study portion of the ITP is the Practicum. Students are required to follow all LCC's policies when attending sites and events, as well as the policies for behavior, attire, and professionalism established by the ITP. Practicum Orientation is typically held on the first Saturday of Fall semester and is intended to introduce new students to the requirements and expectations of the Sophomore Practicum experience.

Contact Us
Sign Language Interpreter Program
Arts and Sciences Division
Gannon Building Room 1222
Phone: 517-483-5329