Student JobLink
Student Joblink is your connection to employers recruiting LCC students and alumni. Search and apply for off-campus job, internship, and apprenticeship opportunities.
Login to Student JobLink with your LCC username and password. With your first visit, you can start personalizing your account, set-up search agents, upload your résumé, and start searching for jobs & internships.
Download the Symplicity mobile app to access job and internship postings from anywhere.
Want to Work from Home?
Several job search websites offer the option to search for remote positions. Look for tabs, links, or filtering options that use keywords such as remote, virtual, or work from home.
Provides job search guides and articles including helpful information for job searching
during a pandemic
Tool to optimize your resume for scanning by employers
Remote Work Success
Get a resume and cover letter critiqued by appointment before you start sending applications to employers. Schedule an appointment with the LCC CES Advisor at or by calling (517) 483-1172.
Want to Work On Campus?
Student Employment:
All on-campus student employment jobs, including the America Reads Tutor positions, are posted through LCC's Human Resources Department.
Faculty & Staff positions:
Search and apply for available LCC faculty, staff, and on-campus student employment positions through LCC's Human Resource Department.
Want to Work Off Campus?
Lansing Regional Chamber Job Board
State of Michigan Job & Internship Opportunities
Finding a Coop/Internship
Virtual Networking
Internship to Job Offer

Contact Us
Career Center
Gannon Building, Room 2219
Phone: 517-483-1172
Fall and Spring Hours for Services
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm