Requesting Accommodations
Every student receiving services from The Center for Student Access must request accommodations every semester they are attending Lansing Community College. This needs to be done as early as possible. It could take up to two weeks for accommodations to be arranged.
To arrange for accommodations, students can make an appointment online or contact us.
Student Responsibilities
- Attend all classes regularly.
- If you miss two classes in a row without contacting your interpreter, interpreter services will be put on hold until you contact an Access Consultant.
- All course related questions should be directed to your instructor, not to your interpreter. The interpreter's role is to interpret for you and the instructor.
- Discuss technical signs or specialized vocabulary with your interpreter. If you do not understand a sign the interpreter has used, ask for clarification.
- Be on time.
- The interpreter will wait outside the classroom until you arrive. If you are late, the interpreter will wait 20 minutes.
- During exams and tests, questions should be directed only to your instructor. The interpreter will interpret your question and the instructor's response.
- If you have a difficult time understanding the interpreter, talk with the interpreter first. If the issue is not resolved, you should bring your concerns to an access consultant.
- If the interpreter does not show up: Since emergencies do come up, please wait 15 minutes for the interpreter.
- If the interpreter is late more than twice, contact an Access Consultant. Tutor requests: If you do not need an interpreter for tutoring, make your request directly to the Tutorial Office. Tutor requests should be made as soon as you have registered for classes.
- If you need an interpreter for tutoring time, schedule tutors through the tutorial office and an access consultant or the interpreter for that class.
Tips for Success
- Tutoring—This is for your benefit. You must show up at your scheduled time and be prepared. Visit the Learning Commons webpage for more information about LCC's free tutoring services.
- Be prepared for class—this means have assignments prepared before class, and do the required reading.
- If you are using a note taker, have note taking paper ready. It is your responsibility to pick up the paper at the Center for Student Access front counter.
- If you have problems in class, see the instructor right away.
- If you have problems with accommodations, contact an Access Consultant right away.
Interpreters are hired to interpret/transliterate as accurately as possible. To accomplish this, interpreters should convey message content, facial expressions, gestures and moods.
Interpreters are expected to view information conveyed during an interpreting session as confidential. However, Interpreters may need to share classroom related issues with Center for Student Access (CSA) staff on a need to know basis. CSA uses a team approach in the collaboration and sharing of work related information. There will be times when interpreters will share confidential information abut students, work experiences and challenges for the purpose of improving the quality of CSA services.
Interpreters will remain with students for the duration of each session for which they are scheduled. If an instructor goes past the end of the class or if a student needs to talk with the instructor, the interpreter may stay if his/her schedule allows.
All class-related questions from Deaf/Hard of hearing students should be directed to the instructor. Questions from the instructor should be directed to the Deaf/Hard of hearing student.
Students from the LCC Interpreter Training Program (ITP) may be placed in your class to observe the interpreter and/or do some interpreting. These students are there observing the interpreting process. If there is a problem or concern, students should talk with their interpreter.
Interpreters follow the National Association of the Deaf and Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID-NAD) Code of Professional Conduct, including standards of confidentiality. Specific situations may occur when it will be necessary for interpreters to share classroom information with other members of CSA in accordance with LCC policy, state law, and federal law.
Students should contact CSA with any questions about this information.
Interpreter Role in the Classroom
What an interpreter is expected to do in the classroom, as well as what they are expressly not allowed to do is outlined in the following table.
Interpreters will: |
Interpreters will not: |
Interpret lectures and classroom discussions. | Help the student catch up on materials missed. |
Be on time. | Re-teach the course content. |
Act in a professional manner. | Interpret during class breaks. |

Contact Us
The Center for Student Access
Phone: 517-483-5323
Fax: 517-483-9645