Personal protective equipment (PPE) mitigates the severity of injuries by providing a barrier against workplace hazards. PPE must be utilized when the eyes, face, hands, extremities, or other body parts are exposed to workplace hazards that cannot be controlled through other means. While PPE is not a substitute for effective engineering controls, administrative controls, or good work practices, it should be used in conjunction with these measures to ensure employee safety and health. It is important to note that PPE does not eliminate the hazard; if the PPE fails or is used improperly, exposure to the hazard may still occur.
Additional Resources
- Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) General Industry Safety and Health Standard - Part. 33 Personal Protective Equipment

Contact Us
Occupational & Environmental Safety
David Yeomans II
Director of Occupational & Environmental Safety
Phone: 517-483-1812
Location: Academic and Office Facility
Room 108