Anthropology Program
LCC offers a degree in Anthropology.
Anthropologists analyze the origin and evolution of the physical, social and cultural development of humans. We learn about various human cultures by studying their customs, values, and social patterns. How people once lived and what their cultures were like offer insights into modern life.
Traditionally, anthropology has been an academic field. Today this knowledge is applied to solutions for practical problems in public health, cultural resource management and government programs. Research is a major activity using interviews and surveys to collect data and opinion. Research may also be done by living and working among the population being studied such as through field investigations and study of historical records. Funding sources are from the federal government, universities and foundations.
Sub-fields of Anthropology
- Socio-cultural - Study of customs, cultures, and social lives of groups.
- Archaeology - Recover and examine material evidence, ruins, tools, pottery from past cultures to determine history, customs, living habits.
- Linguistics - Study of the role of language in cultures
- Biological-physical - Study of the evolution of the human body, look for evidence of early human life, and analyze how culture and biology influence one another.
Who Would Enjoy It
Individuals who will succeed in this field are nonjudgmental, possess an inquisitive mind, patience, and the ability to make inferences from incomplete information. An open mind, the ability to put others at ease, and strong verbal and written communication skills are necessary. Individuals often work alone or in small teams. Networking and self-promotion are important characteristics for those in anthropology. A profession in anthropology requires a great amount of time, resources, and intellectual energy. Most anthropologists work within a university system - teaching, reviewing the work of others and doing research.

Contact Us
Anthropology Program
Social Science & Humanities Department
Arts & Sciences Building, A&S 2203
Phone: 517-483-1061