Education Program
The objective of the education curriculum at Lansing Community College is to help future educators begin their growth toward becoming professional teachers. We emphasize "reflective teaching," with "practical experience" and "modeling."
We endeavor to introduce a conceptual base, an awareness of basic terms, current trends, and practical perspectives/realities that future educators need to know. The program facilitates further academic pursuit of a career in education.
Schools of education differ in philosophy and specific requirements, therefore we encourage students to review the curriculum guide for the college or university they will transfer to, or contact the specific school of education and inquire about specific courses they will require.
LCC offers an Associates Degree in Education.
LCC also offers a Paraprofessional Certificate in Education.
*A criminal background check is required for students who are completing field placements in a K-12 classroom. Students registering for EDUC 280, Education Practicum, are asked to complete a one-page form authorizing a criminal background check prior to field placement.
Elementary Education (Teacher)
What They Do:
Elementary school teachers work with children ages 5 to 13. Most are assigned to one grade level, K-6, with a classroom of about 20-25 children. They teach a broad range of subjects such as reading, math, geography, and science. Teachers who specialize in subjects such as Music, Art or Foreign Language, might move from class to class and grade to grade. Teachers also serve as counselors, role models, and disciplinarians, and regularly spend time outside of class communicating with parents, preparing lessons, grading papers and improving their own knowledge and skills.
Related Occupations:
School administrator, school counselor, sign language interpreter, university professor.
Who Would Enjoy It:
You will probably enjoy being an elementary teacher if you:
- Are interested in a career in a human services field,
- Enjoy being around young children,
- Like solving problems and sharing what you know,
- Think it is important to explore new ideas
- Hope to make a difference in someone's life.
Secondary Education (Teacher)
What They Do:
Secondary school teachers teach one or more subjects to teenagers and young adults in middle school, junior high or high school. They serve as counselors, role models, and disciplinarians, and help students to be successful in a career, in their adult lives, and in life-long learning. Outside of class, secondary teachers are expected to spend time, preparing lessons, grading papers, participating in school activities and improving their own knowledge and skills.
Related Occupations:
Teacher, school administrator, school counselor, sign language interpreter.
Who Would Enjoy It:
You will probably enjoy being a secondary teacher if you:
- Have a passion for a subject matter such as history or math and wish to share your interests with other.
- Are interested in a career in a human services field,
- Enjoy being around teenagers or young adults,
- Like solving problems and sharing what you know,
- Think it is important to explore new ideas
- Hope to make a difference in someone's life.
What They Do:
Teacher Paraprofessionals are also called teacher aides or classroom assistants. They support the teacher in a variety of ways and give special help to students in groups or individually. Most paraprofessionals work with young children in pre-school through grade six.
Related Occupations:
Teacher, school administrator, school counselor, sign language interpreter.
Who Would Enjoy It:
You will probably enjoy being a teacher paraprofessional if you:
- Are interested in a career in a human services field,
- Enjoy being around young children, teenagers or young adults,
- Like solving problems and sharing what you know,
- Think it is important to explore new ideas,
- Hope to make a difference in someone's life.

Contact Us
Education Program
Arts and Sciences Division
Arts & Sciences Building Room 2203
Phone: 517-483-1061