This is the retention schedule for LCC’s Arts & Sciences Division. It is a list of record series found in the Arts & Sciences departments and programs and is the central retention document for the division. This retention schedule supersedes all record series on previously approved retention schedules for the departments within the Arts & Sciences Division. A list of superseded record series can be found on the Excel Spreadsheet File A&S Retention Schedule Supersede List.
About Retention
The retention periods in this retention schedule are mandatory minimum retention periods. Records should not be disposed of prior to reaching the end of their retention period. Once the retention period has elapsed records should not be held for more than one (1) year beyond their listed mandatory minimum retention period.
Certain records may be retained for longer periods of time if there is a legitimate business need or if the records are subject to a legal hold, pending legal action or are a part of an on-going review, audit or investigation. If the retention period expires before the issue is resolved, the records must be retained until resolution is reached.
About Approval
The Arts & Sciences Division Retention Schedule was approved by the State Administrative Board on March 26, 2024. Employees can view the official document on LCC’s internal O: drive. To access these folders off-campus you must be logged into your LCC VPN.
Arts & Sciences Division Records:
AS001 - General Correspondence
General correspondence may include referral correspondence. If the correspondence does pertain to a specific issue, teacher or student, it should be filed with other relevant records. General correspondence may exist in a variety of formats, including memos, letters, notes and electronic mail messages. This series also includes automated or manual tools that index and/or track when correspondence was received, the topic of the correspondence, who is responsible for responding to the correspondence, and when the correspondence is considered closed for further action. General correspondence is routine in nature and does not relate to an official function of this office.
NOTE: Even though General Correspondence are often non-records they exist as a record series on this retention schedule in order to ensure that both records and non-record materials are included and managed within LCC’s disposition practices.
Retention = Date sent or received + 2 yearsAS002 - Transitory Correspondence
Transitory correspondence is any form of written communication with a short-term interest that has no documentary value and need not be retained once their intended purpose has been fulfilled. This type of correspondence has limited administrative and evidential value that is lost soon after the communication is received. Transitory messages do not set policy, establish guidelines or procedures certify a transaction or become a receipt. Examples of transitory correspondence include letters of transmittal that do not add information to the transmitted materials, routine requests for information that require no administrative action, policy decision, special compilation or research. This type of record also includes invitations to work-related events, notifications of an upcoming meeting, and similar communications.
NOTE: Even though Transitory Correspondence are usually non-records they exist as a record series on this retention schedule in order to ensure that both records and non-record materials are included and managed within LCC’s disposition practices.
Retention = Date sent or received + 30 daysAS003 - Meeting Records
These record are related to meetings and include, but are not limited to, agendas, meeting minutes, meeting notes, hand-outs, announcements, distribution materials (or other supporting documentation), and related correspondence.
Retention = Meeting date + 5 yearsAS004 - Program Operating Plans
These plans are used to document operating plans for each academic or student services program or department to which faculty members are regularly assigned in accordance with Article IX.C of the MAHE union contract.
Retention = Date created + 5 years, then Transfer to the LCC ArchivesAS005 - Processes, Practices, and Desk Manuals
These records are instructions and explanations of the A&S Division's practices and processes to be used by faculty, administrators, and staff.
Retention = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsoleteAS006 - Chemical Hygiene Plan
This plan is developed and maintained by the Science Department and contains, but is not limited to, information relating to Approval of Experimental Design, Responsibilities, Definitions, Procedures for Use of Particularly Hazardous Substances, and a bibliography.
Retention = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsoleteAS007 - A&S Update Records
These records are update communications sent to the Division regularly throughout the semester. They include, but are not limited to, a Division newsletter that is sent weekly.
Retention = PermanentAS008 - Syllabi Audit Tracking Records
These are records created and maintained by each department as the departments track results of the audit of all syllabi by semester.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS009 - Supply Request Records
These are records used to request and track supplies for the individual programs in the main supply room.
Retention = Date created + 1 yearAS010 - Instructions and Directions Records
These are records used to process copying and printing orders. They include, but are not limited to, a copy of the email request and the document to be copied.
Retention = Date created + 1 yearAS011 - Technology Requests and Tracking Records
These are records related to employee technology requests for upgraded or new technology including, but not limited to, laptops and monitors. These records also include tracking of the status of the requests.
- Technology Requests
RETENTION = Date created + 1 year - Technology Tracking Records
RETENTION = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsolete
- Technology Requests
AS012 - Budget Work Papers
This documentation is used to monitor and plan future budgets and includes, but is not limited to, Capital and non-Capital equipment requests, professional development requests, reallocation requests, renovation information, savings recommendations, and baseline budget spreadsheets. Official budget records are maintained by Financial Services.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS013 - Working Performing Arts Production Budget
These records are used for budgetary purposes for Performing Arts.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS014 - Expense Tracking Records
These records are used to track production supplies expenses for production budgetary purposes.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS015 - Box Office Balance Sheets
These records are used to keep track of tickets sold and revenue received from each performance.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS016 - Incoming Donation Records
These records are used to track monies (donations) received at productions that are transferred to the LCC Foundation for scholarships.
Retention = Date created + 10 yearsAS017 - Performance-Related Contract Records (Performing Arts Copies)
These are copies of the official contracts retained in Purchasing.
These records are created and maintained to document approvals for contractual obligations (responsibilities, schedule, deliverables, etc.). Documentation includes, but is not limited to, copy of contract, contract signature request form, and related correspondence.
Retention = Performance + 1 yearAS018 - Performance Licenses
These records are used to document the legal permission granted by the rights holder, to LCC, to produce and perform the specific theatrical show for a particular period/location/audience. Documentation includes, but is not limited to, performance agreement and fees, copies of invoice, terms and conditions, and licensing checklists.
Retention = Final production + 6 yearsAS019 - Travel Request and Approval Records
These records are used to request approval for travel and to monitor travel expenses, budget, and approvals.
Official travel documentation/receipts are retained by Financial Services.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS020 - Timekeeping Records
These records are used to document time used, document additional pay for faculty, and support Banner System data entry.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS021 - Full-time Teaching Faculty Overload Request Records
These records are used to request overload pay and support Banner System data entry.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS022 - Verification of Private Instruction and Electronic Approval Information Records
These records are used to pay Music Faculty for delivering private lessons, and to support Banner System time entry and Banner System grade entry for each student. They include, but are not limited to, Private Lesson Contracts, Verification of Private Instruction forms, list of meeting hours, and lecture equivalent workload calculations.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS023 - Change in Status Records
These are records maintained by the Operations Coordinator during the Faculty Change in Status process. These records include, but are not limited to, applications, Change in Status Review forms, Peer Review Committee evaluation forms, pass and student success rates, student/client feedback, and related correspondence.
Human Resources retains the original application and final approval/denial letter.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS024 - Certification Tracking Records
These records track faculty certifications including, but not limited to, Teaching Online Certification (TOC), Pedagogy of Equity (POE), and HyFlex training.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS025 - Faculty Required Deliverables Records
These records track receipt of required documentation from faculty including, but not limited to, syllabi, enrollment verifications, grades, and grade books by semester. They are also used for follow-up and to support performance reviews.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS026 - Professional Activity Plans
These records are completed by full-time faculty in accordance to their union contract (MAHE - Article XI.C.1.b.1). These are used to describe the professional activities planned for the program during the year.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS027 - Faculty Performance Review Tracking Records
These records are used to track and schedule faculty performance reviews.
Faculty performance reviews are stored in the HR Faculty Performance Review system.
Retention = Date created + 6 yearsAS028 - Action Plan for Employee Development
These plans are presented to faculty during performance reviews with identification of areas that need development.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS029 - Special Project Records
These are records related to special projects such as study abroad programs, conferences, festivals, events, and special days. These records include, but are not limited to, applications, health insurance and liability forms, schedules, procedures, and related correspondence.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS030 - Performing Arts Production Records
These are records related to Performing Arts productions
- A. Production Records - Supporting Documents
RETENTION = Date created + 2 years
Includes, but not limited to: media advisories, rehearsal reports, curtain speeches, facility schedules, Dart Auditorium technical needs forms, and program production records. - B. Performing Arts Semester Performance Schedules
RETENTION = Date created + 10 years - C. Final Marketing Materials and Programs
RETENTION = Date created + 10 years, then Transfer to the LCC Archives
Includes, but not limited to: the final audition flyers, marketing materials, and programs for Performing Arts productions.
- A. Production Records - Supporting Documents
AS031 - World Language Day Records
These record are collected and used to celebrate World Language Day on campus. This annual one-day event promotes recruitment of students in world language classes. The records include, but are not limited to, photographs, faculty lists, labels, and save-the-date correspondence.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS032 - Audition Forms
These forms are created for a Performing Arts production. They are used by the director for casting and by the stage managers to prepare the cast contact sheet.
Retention = End of productionAS033 - Cast Contact Sheets
These records contain contact information for the production team for a Performing Arts production.
Retention = End of performance runAS034 - Master Schedule Preparation Records
These records are working documents used for creating the division's final semester schedule, and they support Banner System data entry. Programs/departments create and retain master schedule shells with markups for reference.
Official documentation is maintained by the Office of Academic Affairs.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS035 - Banner Schedule Change Form
This form is used to make minor changes in the Banner System after the Master Schedule information has been submitted.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS036 - Change of Grade Records (Division Copies)
These records are used for submitting and tracking "incomplete grades" or changes in student grades that occur after the class grades are posted for a semester. The purpose is to show the original grade, the changed grade, and the authorization for the change if the original is lost.
These are the Division's copies. The official records are maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS037 - Experiential Learning Credit Request Records
These records are student requests for credit based on experience. They include, but are not limited to, certificates of completion, lists of training, and experience.
Retention = Date created + 3 yearsAS038 - Lab Safety Sheets
These records are policy documents signed by students acknowledging that they have read and understand the rules regarding safety in such areas as clothing and protective equipment, accidents and injuries, handling chemicals and glassware, heating substances, and electrical equipment.
Retention = End of the semesterAS039 - Locker Records
These are records that track information about lockers used by art and photography students to store equipment and supplies. The records track, among other things, locker assignments and lock combinations.
Retention = End of the semesterAS040 - Practice Room Permission Records
These records are used to monitor the use of practice rooms by students and to document instructor approval.
Retention = End of the semesterAS041 - Choral Library Records
These records are an inventory of sheet music available to be used for classes.
Retention = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsoleteAS042 - Class Cancellation Records
These records are used to document that students were notified of class cancellation.
Retention = Date of canceled class + 30 daysAS043 - Department Directory
This record is a list of contact information for administrators, staff, and Program Faculty Chairs within the Division. Shared internally and with other departments.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS044 - Division Enrollment Reports
These records are used to monitor enrollment and trends from one semester/year to the next.
Retention = Date created + 7 years
Obsolete Arts & Sciences Division Records:
AS045 - American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Quarterly Report (OBSOLETE)
This is a report that LCC is required to send to the American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). It is a cover letter attached to all programs of performances held by LCC Performing Arts.
Retention = Date created + 10 yearsAS046 - Department/Program Records (OBSOLETE)
These files are set up by each department/program within the division and may include, but are not limited to, the following: correspondence, dean's intake and follow-up forms, foundations, construction project information, workload information, contact lists, enrollment information, etc.
Retention = Date created + 5 yearsAS047 - Employee History Files (OBSOLETE)
These files are used as reference for faculty performance reviews, change in status process, complaints or issues with staff, faculty reference, etc. They contain copies of many documents found in the official HR Employee Personnel Files including, but not limited to, transcripts, HR Action forms, application, faculty evaluation forms, and termination documentation.
Retention = Until individual is no longer employed at the College + 2 yearsAS048 - Graduation Ceremony Correspondence (OBSOLETE)
This correspondence details graduation ceremony information, gown order information, database instructions, etc. used to communicate graduation information to staff/faculty.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS049 - Faculty Credentials (OBSOLETE)
This spreadsheet is used to support the Higher Learning Commission accreditation process and as quick reference to check qualifications for faculty in scheduling purposes. The spreadsheet lists the following: name, date of letters, credentials, HLC Minimum Teaching Qualifications Eligibility, Spring 2016 Assignments, Meeting Date, Credentials Provided, Action Plan Submitted or Not Teaching after Spring 2016, and comments. Master record is retained by Office of Academic Affairs.
Superseded by 8006 - Faculty Qualification Records
Retention = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsoleteAS050 - Flyers (OBSOLETE)
These documents are used for marketing purposes.
Retention = Until document is revised and superseded by a new version, or until the document is deemed obsoleteAS051 - National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) Certification Records (OBSOLETE)
The NADE Certification process requires applicants to demonstrate application of theory, use of quality practices as defined by professional research and literature of the field, and analysis of baseline and comparative evaluation data to demonstrate the use of continuous and systematic assessment and evaluation. The certification process assures alignment with current best practices in the field. This record series includes the application with supporting documentation.
Retention = Date created + 7 yearsAS052 - Student Lists (OBSOLETE)
These spreadsheets are used to document interest in Foundation for Success or other classes (i.e. GED). The spreadsheet lists the following: date, student name, student number, phone number, email address, contact information, flyer, class preferences and notes.
Retention = Until there is no activity from the student + 3 yearsAS053 - Writing Contest Records (OBSOLETE)
This series is documentation collected for the Allan Maar Writing Contests and contains: flyers, submission forms, and winning entries (published in a book) for faculty use.
Retention = Date created + 2 yearsAS054 - Adjunct Faculty Files (OBSOLETE)
These files support interview and selection process and contain the following: applications and resumes interview questions with notes, and unofficial transcripts. These records do not duplicate the employees' HR employee personnel file.
Superseded by 1220 - Human Resources Employee Files
Retention = Until individual is no longer employed at the College + 7 yearsAS055 - Faculty Credentials Spreadsheet (OBSOLETE)
This spreadsheet supports scheduling activities and lists the following information: program, instructor, credentialed courses, degree, etc. for each program.
Superseded by 8006 - Faculty Qualification Records
Retention = Date created + 2 years

Contact Information
Linnea Knapp, Records Information Specialist
RIM email:
Campus location:
Technology and Learning Center (TLC)
Room 4101H