Please note: This table contains equivalencies for credits that are transferrable into LCC from another college or university. Students transferring out of LCC should consult with the college or university they are transferring to for transfer equivalency information.
For general transfer information you may refer to the transfer agreements web page.
Course Code |
Course Title |
Units |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
ACCT 213 |
Financial Accounting |
4 |
ACCG 210 |
Principles of Accounting I |
4 |
ACCT 214 |
Managerial Accounting |
4 |
ACCG 211 |
Principles of Accounting I |
4 |
ACCT 311 |
Intermediate Accounting I |
4 |
ACCG 220 |
Intermediate Accounting I |
4 |
ACCT 312 |
Intermediate Accounting II |
4 |
ACCG 221 |
Intermediate Accounting II |
4 |
ACCT 315 |
Cost Accounting |
4 |
ACCG 230 |
Cost/Managerial I |
4 |
ACCT 413 |
Auditing |
4 |
ACCG 290 |
Auditing |
4 |
AH 262 |
Adaptation Across the Lifespan |
3 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
ART 111 |
Two-Dimensional Design |
3 |
ARTS 102 |
2D Design |
3 |
BIOL 111A |
Principles of Experimental Biol: Biology |
4 |
BIOL 128 |
Organismal Biology |
4 |
BIOL 220 |
Principles of Biology |
4 |
BIOL 121 |
Biol Foundation for Physiology |
4 |
BIOL 221 |
Principles of Zoology |
3 |
BIOL 265 |
Zoology |
3 |
BIOL 222 |
Principles of Botany |
3 |
BIOL 260 |
Botany |
3 |
BIOL 231 |
Physiological Anatomy |
4 |
BIOL 145 |
Intro Anatomy and Physiology |
4 |
BIOL 237 |
Intro to Microbiology |
4 |
BIOL 203 + BIOL 204 |
Microbiology + Microbiology Laboratory |
1 |
BIOL 360 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
BIOL 127 |
Cell Biology |
4 |
CHEM 101 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 125 |
Basic Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 102B |
Concepts of Matter |
3 |
CHEM 135 |
Chemistry in Society |
3 |
CHEM 105 |
Introduction to Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 125 |
Basic Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 111 |
General Chemistry I Lecture |
4 |
CHEM 151 |
General Chemistry Lecture I |
4 |
CHEM 111L |
General Chemistry I Lab |
1 |
CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHEM 112 |
General Chemistry II Lecture |
4 |
CHEM 152 |
General Chemistry Lecture II |
4 |
CHEM 112L |
General Chemistry II Lab |
1 |
CHEM 162 |
General Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CHEM 412 |
Biochemistry I |
3 |
CHEM 130 |
Biochemistry |
3 |
CJ 301 |
Criminal Justice System in the U.S.A |
3 |
CJUS 101 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJ 305 |
Criminal Law |
3 |
CJUS 103 |
Criminal Law |
3 |
CJ 340 |
Crime and Punishment |
3 |
CJUS 131 |
Introduction to Corrections |
3 |
CJ 345 |
Correctional Practice |
3 |
CJUS 250 |
Correctional Institutions |
3 |
CJ 350 |
Juvenile Justice System |
3 |
CJUS 106 |
Intro to Juvenile Justice |
3 |
CJ 360 |
Evidence & Criminal Procedure |
3 |
CJUS 203 |
Criminal Procedure |
3 |
CJ 381 |
Social Justice |
3 |
CJUS 255 |
Human Relations/Crim Justice |
3 |
CJ 410 |
Criminology |
3 |
CJUS 102 |
Crime Causes and Conditions |
3 |
CJ 491 |
Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJUS 201 |
Criminal Justice Org/Admin |
3 |
COMM 105 |
Fundamentals of Communication |
3 |
SPCH 120 |
Dynamics of Communication |
3 |
COMM 124 |
Public Speaking |
3 |
SPCH 130 |
Fund of Public Speaking |
3 |
COMM 225 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
SPCH 260 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
COMM 325 |
Business & Professional Communication |
3 |
SPCH 110 |
Oral Communication in the Workplace |
3 |
COMM 351 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
SPCH 140 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
CS 101 |
Using the Internet |
3 |
CITF 103 |
Internet Basics |
2 |
CS 105 |
Introduction to Computers & Programming |
4 |
CPSC 120 |
Introduction to Computers |
3 |
ECON 151 |
Computer Application in Business |
2 |
CITF 110 |
Intro to Computer Info Systems |
2 |
ECON 221 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
4 |
ECON 202 |
Principles of Economics - Macro |
4 |
ECON 222 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
4 |
ECON 201 |
Principles of Economics - Micro |
4 |
ECON 236 |
Statistics II |
3 |
MGMT 335 |
Managerial Statistics |
3 |
ENGL 111 |
Composition I |
3 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
3 |
ENGL 112 |
Composition II |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
3 |
ENGL 201 |
Introduction to Literary Studies |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Writ about Literature & Ideas |
3 |
ENGL 212 |
Topics in Critical Writing |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
3 |
ENGL 271 |
American Literature |
3 |
ENGL 255 |
American Lit to 1865 |
3 |
ENGL 272 |
American Literature |
3 |
ENGL 256 |
American Lit 1865 to Present |
3 |
ENGL 281 |
British Literature |
3 |
ENGL 266 |
British Lit to 1800 |
3 |
ENGL 282 |
British Literature |
3 |
ENGL 267 |
British Lit 1800 to Present |
3 |
ENGL 300 |
Writing in the Professions |
3 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
3 |
ENGL 315 |
Survey of Shakespeare |
3 |
ENGL 290 |
Shakespeare |
3 |
FREN 111 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FREN 121 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FREN 112 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
FREN 122 |
Elementary French II |
4 |
FREN 211 |
Intermediate French I |
4 |
FREN 201 |
Intermediate French I |
4 |
FREN 212 |
Intermediate French II |
4 |
FREN 202 |
Intermediate French II |
4 |
GEOG 101 |
Introduction to Physical Geography |
3 |
GEOG 121 |
Physical Geography |
3 |
GEOG 201 |
World Cultural/Regional Geography |
3 |
GEOG 200 |
World Regional Geography |
3 |
GEOG 202 |
North Amer Regional Geography |
3 |
GEOG 202 |
Geography of North America |
3 |
GER 111 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GRMN 121 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GER 112 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GRMN 122 |
Elementary German II |
4 |
GER 211 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GRMN 201 |
Intermediate German I |
4 |
GER 212 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
GRMN 202 |
Intermediate German II |
4 |
HIST 100B |
Hist Surv: U.S. to 1877 |
3 |
HIST 211 |
U.S. History to 1877 |
3 |
HIST 100C |
Hist Surv: U.S. Since 1877 |
3 |
HIST 212 |
U.S. History: 1877 to Present |
3 |
HIST 100D |
Hist Surv: World to 1500 |
3 |
HUMS 213 |
World Civilizations to 1600 |
3 |
HIST 100E |
Hist Surv: World Since 1500 |
3 |
HUMS 214 |
World Civilizations from 1600 |
3 |
HIST 113 |
U.S. History to 1865 |
3 |
HIST 211 |
U.S. History to 1877 |
3 |
HIST 114 |
U.S. History from 1865 |
3 |
HIST 212 |
U.S. History: 1877 to Present |
3 |
HIST 115 + HIST 116 |
World Civilization to 1500 + World Civilization from 1500 |
3 |
HUMS 213 + HUMS 214 |
World Civilizations to 1600 + World Civilizations from 1600 |
3 |
HIST 241 |
History of Michigan |
3 |
HIST 220 |
Michigan History |
3 |
HIST 253 |
Black People in U.S. History |
3 |
HIST 150 |
African American History |
3 |
KINE 232 |
Athletic Injury Management |
3 |
PFKN 210 |
Athletic Training Principles |
3 |
KINE 352 |
General Exercise Prescription |
3 |
PFKN 200 |
Exercise Physiology |
3 |
KINE 362 |
Theories & Practices in Phys Act & Sport |
3 |
PFKN 205 |
Sport & Exercise Psychology |
3 |
KINE 372 |
Motor Learning & Development |
3 |
PFKN 260 |
Growth and Motor Behavior |
3 |
MATH 105 |
Statistics |
4 |
STAT 170 |
Intro to Statistics |
4 |
MATH 110 |
Math for Elementary Teachers I |
4 |
MATH 201 |
Math for Elementary Teachers I |
4 |
MATH 161 |
Calculus I |
4 |
MATH 151 |
Calculus I |
4 |
MATH 162 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 152 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 261 |
Calculus III |
4 |
MATH 253 |
Calculus III |
4 |
MATH 262 |
Differential Equations |
4 |
MATH 254 |
Intro to Differential Equations |
4 |
MGT 121 |
Intro to Business |
4 |
BUSN 118 |
Intro to Business |
4 |
MGT 323 |
Human Resource Management |
3 |
MGMT 224 |
Human Resource Management |
3 |
MGT 326 |
Small Business Management |
3 |
BUSN 295 |
Entrepreneurial Capstone |
2 |
MGT 328 |
Organizational Behavior |
3 |
MGMT 228 |
Organizational Behavior |
3 |
MKT 331 |
Marketing Principles |
4 |
MKTG 200 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
MKT 335 |
Advertising Strategy |
3 |
MKTG 140 |
Principles of Advertising |
3 |
MKT 434 |
Consumer Behavior |
3 |
MKTG 221 |
Consumer Behavior |
2 |
MKT 435 |
Marketing Research |
3 |
MKTG 204 |
Marketing Research |
3 |
NS 112 |
Chemistry and Society |
3 |
CHEM 135 |
Chemistry in Society |
3 |
NS 115 |
Meteorology |
4 |
METR 220 |
Introduction to Meteorology |
4 |
NS 116 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
GEOL 221 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
NS 119 |
Astronomy |
4 |
ASTR 201 |
Introductory Astronomy |
4 |
NS 121 |
Environmental Dynamics |
4 |
BIOL 120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
NS 122 |
Human Heredity |
4 |
BIOL 270 |
Human Genetics |
3 |
NS 123 |
Plants and Civilization |
3 |
BIOL 260 |
Botany |
3 |
PHIL 114 |
Introduction to Logic |
3 |
PHIL 151 |
Intro to Logic & Critical Think |
3 |
PHIL 250 |
Ethics and Applications |
3 |
PHIL 152 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PHIL 311 |
Theory of Knowledge |
3 |
PHIL 153 |
Knowledge and Reality |
3 |
PHYS 111 + PHYS 111L |
General Physics I + General Physics I Lab |
1 |
PHYS 221 |
Introductory Physics I |
4 |
PHYS 112 + PHYS 112L |
General Physics II + General Physics II Lab |
1 |
PHYS 222 |
Introductory Physics II |
4 |
PS 118 |
Introduction to Political Science |
3 |
POLS 201 |
Intro to Political Science |
3 |
PS 123 |
The American Political System |
3 |
POLS 120 |
American Political System |
3 |
PS 240 |
U.S. Parties & Interest Groups |
3 |
POLS 250 |
Campaigns & Elections |
3 |
PS 262 |
State & Local Government |
3 |
POLS 121 |
State and Local Government |
3 |
PSYC 100 |
General Psychology |
4 |
PSYC 200 |
Introduction to Psychology |
4 |
PSYC 210 |
Applications in Human Development |
4 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
PSYC 310 |
Child Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 221 |
Child Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 315 |
Adolescent Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 222 |
Adolescent Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 317 |
Educational Psychology |
3 |
EDUC 204 |
Educational Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 350 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 203 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 372 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 250 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 385 |
Psychology of Sex, Gender & Sexuality |
4 |
PSYC 240 |
Psychology of Human Sexuality |
3 |
PSYC 410 |
Seminar in Life Span Human Development |
4 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
SOC 111 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOCL 120 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC 112 |
Introduction to Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH 270 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
SOC 211 |
Principles of Sociology |
3 |
SOCL 120 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC 236 |
Social Problems |
3 |
SOCL 255 |
Contemporary Social Problems |
3 |
SOC 252 |
Physical Anthropology & Archaeology |
3 |
ANTH 275 |
Biological Anthropology |
3 |
SOC 327 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 203 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
SOC 350 |
The Family |
3 |
SOCL 254 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
SOC 351 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
SPCH 140 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
SPAN 111 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 121 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 112 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 122 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 211 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 201 |
Intermediate Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 212 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 202 |
Intermediate Spanish II |
4 |
THEA 128 |
Introduction to Theatre |
3 |
THEA 110 |
Intro to Theatre |
3 |
THEA 128A |
Introduction to Theatre |
3 |
THEA 110 |
Intro to Theatre |
3 |
THEA 260 |
Introduction Stagecraft & Theatre Design |
3 |
THEA 111 + THEA 116 |
Basic Stagecraft + Scene Design I |
2 |