Please note: This table contains equivalencies for credits that are transferrable into LCC from another college or university. Students transferring out of LCC should consult with the college or university they are transferring to for transfer equivalency information.
For general transfer information you may refer to the transfer agreements web page.
Course Code |
Course Title |
Units |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit |
ACC 201 |
Financial Accounting |
4 |
ACCG 210 |
Principles of Accounting I |
4 |
ACC 211 |
Managerial Accounting |
4 |
ACCG 231 |
Cost/Managerial II |
4 |
ACC 231 |
Principles of Cost Accounting |
3 |
ACCG 230 |
Cost/Managerial I |
3 |
ALH 220 |
Medical Law and Ethics |
3 |
CHSE 117 |
Health Law and Ethics |
2 |
ANT 170 |
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ANTH 270 |
Cultural Anthropology |
3 |
ART 105 |
Drawing I-Introductory |
3 |
ARTS 131 |
Drawing I |
3 |
ART 245 |
Art in the Elementary School |
3 |
ARTS 240 |
Art for Elementary Teachers |
3 |
BIO 101 |
College Biology |
4 |
BIOL 121 |
Biol Foundation for Physiology |
4 |
BIO 138 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology |
4 |
BIO 145 |
Intro Anatomy and Physiology |
4 |
BIO 141 + BIO 142 |
Anatomy & Physiology I + Anatomy & Physiology II |
4 |
BIOL 201 + BIOL 202 |
Human Anatomy + Human Physiology |
4 |
BIO 201 |
Botany |
4 |
BIOL 260 |
Botany |
4 |
BIO 203 |
Zoology |
4 |
BIOL 265 |
Zoology |
4 |
BIO 204 |
Human Genetics |
3 |
BIOL 270 |
Human Genetics |
3 |
BIO 210 |
Microbiology |
4 |
BIOL 203 + BIOL 204 |
Microbiology + Microbiology Laboratory |
1 |
BUS 122 |
Management Theory & Practice |
3 |
MGMT 228 |
Organization Behavior |
3 |
BUS 151 |
Introduction to Business Issues |
3 |
BUSN 118 |
Introduction to Business |
3 |
BUS 153 |
Business Law |
3 |
LEGL 217 |
Business Law III, Business Organization |
3 |
BUS 161 |
Principles of Merchandising |
3 |
MKTG 131 |
Merchandising |
2 |
BUS 162 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
MKTG 200 |
Principles of Marketing |
3 |
BUS 171 |
Principles of Sales |
3 |
MKTG 120 |
Sales |
3 |
BUS 202 |
Legal Environment of Business |
3 |
LEGL 215 |
Business Law I, Basic Principles |
3 |
BUS 222 |
Labor and Management Relations |
3 |
LABR 200 |
Intro to Labor Relations |
3 |
BUS 231 |
Principles of Advertising |
3 |
MKTG 140 |
Introduction to Advertising |
3 |
CHM 105 |
Introductory Chemistry |
4 |
CHEM 125 |
Basic Chemistry |
4 |
CHM 106 |
Biochemistry for Allied Health |
4 |
CHEM 130 |
Biochemistry |
4 |
CHM 111 |
General College Chemistry I |
4 |
CHEM 151 + CHEM 161 |
General Chemistry Lecture I + General Chemistry Lab I |
1 |
CHM 112 |
General College Chemistry II |
4 |
CHEM 152 + CHEM 162 |
General Chemistry Lecture II + General Chemistry Lab II |
1 |
CHM 201 |
Quantitative Analysis |
5 |
CHEM 262 |
Quantitative Analysis |
3 |
CHM 241 |
Organic Chemistry I |
5 |
CHEM 251 + CHEM 272 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture I + Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
2 |
CHM 242 |
Organic Chemistry II |
5 |
CHEM 252 + CHEM 272 |
Organic Chemistry Lecture II + Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
2 |
CIS 100 |
Introduction to Information Systems |
3 |
CITF 110 |
Intro Computer Info Systems |
3 |
CIS 103 |
BASIC Programming |
3 |
CITP 110 |
Intro to Computer Programming |
3 |
CIS 130 |
Applications With Microcomputers |
3 |
CITF 102 |
Computer Skills for Non-Majors |
2 |
CIS 220 |
Advanced COBOL Programming |
3 |
CITP 170 |
3 |
CIS 221 |
Computers in Business I |
3 |
CITF 110 |
Intro Computer Info Systems |
3 |
CIS 240 |
Data Base Management Systems (Access) |
3 |
CISB 136 |
SQL: Structured Query Language |
2 |
CIS 245 |
Computer Setup and Repair |
4 |
CITS 120 |
A+ Core Hardware Technologies |
3 |
CIS 250 |
Introduction to Computer Systems |
3 |
CITF 120 |
Operating Systems Concepts |
3 |
CIS 256 |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional |
3 |
CITN 120 |
Introduction to Networking |
3 |
CIS 270 |
Networking Essentials |
3 |
CITN 220 |
Networking Fundamentals |
3 |
CIS 271 |
Microsoft Windows Server |
3 |
CITN 250 |
Microsoft Network Server |
3 |
CPS 180 |
FORTRAN Programming |
3 |
CPSC 150 |
Fortran |
3 |
CPS 210 |
Intro to Computer Systems |
3 |
CPSC 120 |
Introduction to Computers |
3 |
CJS 200 |
Introduction to Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJUS 101 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJS 202 |
Juvenile Law and Procedures |
3 |
CJUS 106 |
Intro to Juvenile Justice |
3 |
CJS 206 |
Police Patrol Operations |
3 |
CJUS 104 |
Theorfy of Patrol |
3 |
CJS 220 |
Introduction to Corrections |
3 |
CJUS 131 |
Introduction to Corrections |
3 |
CJS 221 |
Legal Issues in Corrections |
3 |
CJUS 135 |
Legal Issues in Corrections |
3 |
CJS 222 |
Correctional Facilities and Institutions |
3 |
CJUS 250 |
Correctional Institutions |
3 |
DRF 120 |
Introduction to Auto CAD |
3 |
METD 100 |
Basic Mechanical Drafting |
3 |
ECO 110 |
Economics and Society |
3 |
ECON 120 |
Power, Authority and Exchange |
3 |
ECO 175 |
Personal Finance |
2 |
BUSN 250 |
Personal Finance |
2 |
ECO 201 |
Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics) |
3 |
ECON 202 |
Principles of Economics-Macro |
3 |
ECO 202 |
Principles of Economics (Microeconomics) |
3 |
ECON 201 |
Principles of Economics-Micro |
3 |
EDU 107 |
Introduction to Teaching |
3 |
EDUC 220 |
Introduction to Education |
3 |
ELE 107 |
Introduction to Teaching |
3 |
EDUC 220 |
Introduction to Education |
3 |
ENG 111 |
Freshman English Composition |
3 |
ENGL 121 |
Composition I |
3 |
ENG 201 |
English Literature I |
3 |
ENGL 266 |
British Lit to 1800 |
3 |
ENG 202 |
English Literature II |
3 |
ENGL 267 |
British Lit 1800 to Present |
3 |
ENG 205 |
American Literature to 1870 |
3 |
ENGL 255 |
American Lit to 1865 |
3 |
ENG 206 |
American Literature From 1870 |
3 |
ENGL 256 |
American Lit 1865 to Present |
3 |
ENG 211 |
Masterpieces of Western Literature I |
3 |
ENGL 211 |
World Literature I |
3 |
ENG 212 |
Masterpieces of Western Literature II |
3 |
ENGL 212 |
World Literature II |
3 |
ENG 222 |
Expository Writing & Research |
3 |
ENGL 122 |
Composition II |
3 |
ENG 225 |
Creative Writing |
3 |
ENGL 260 |
Creative Writing |
3 |
ENG 281 |
Children’s Literature |
3 |
ENGL 208 |
Children’s Literature |
3 |
ENV 110 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
BIOL 120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ENV 210 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
BIOL 120 |
Environmental Science |
4 |
ENV 220 |
Environmental Regulations |
3 |
ENVR 121 |
Environmental Rules and Regs |
3 |
ENV 230 |
Environmental Training |
5 |
ENVR 122 |
Enviro Sampl & Instrumentation |
4 |
FRN 101 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
FREN 121 |
Elementary French I |
4 |
GEL 101 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
GEOL 221 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
GEL 112 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GEOL 222 |
Historical Geology |
3 |
GER 101 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
GRMN 121 |
Elementary German I |
4 |
HED 106 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
3 |
PFHW 163 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
2 |
HED 115 |
Stress Management |
2 |
PFHW 181 |
Stress Management |
1 |
HED 151 |
Personal Health and Hygiene |
3 |
PFHW 163 |
Healthy Lifestyles |
2 |
HED 190 |
Introduction to Excercise Science |
3 |
PFKN 170 |
Foundations of Kinesiology |
3 |
HIS 101 + HIS 102 |
Issues in Western Civilization I + Issues in Western Civilization II |
3 |
HUMS 213 + HUMS 214 |
World Civilizations to 1600 + World Civilizations from 1600 |
3 |
HIS 211 |
History of the United States I |
3 |
HIST 211 |
U.S. History to 1877 |
3 |
HIS 212 |
History of the United States II |
3 |
HIST 212 |
U.S. History: 1877 to Present |
3 |
HIS 223 |
History of Michigan |
3 |
HIST 220 |
History of Michigan |
3 |
HUM 101 |
World of Creativity I |
3 |
ARTH 211 |
Art History to the Renaissance |
3 |
HUM 102 |
World of Creativity II |
3 |
ARTH 212 |
Art History from the Renaissance |
3 |
JPN 101 |
Elementary Japanese I |
4 |
JAPN 121 |
Elementary Japanese I |
4 |
LEN 201 |
Fundamentals of Supervision & Management in Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJUS 201 |
Criminal Justice Org/Admin |
3 |
LEN 202 |
Juvenile Law & Procedures |
3 |
CJUS 106 |
Intro to Juvenile Justice |
3 |
LEN 203 |
Criminal Law for Police Officers |
3 |
CJUS 103 |
Criminal Law |
3 |
LEN 204 |
Criminal Investigation |
3 |
CJUS 204 |
Criminal Investigation |
3 |
LEN 205 |
Introduction to Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice |
3 |
CJUS 101 |
Intro to Criminal Justice |
3 |
MAT 114 |
Mathematical Reasoning |
3 |
MATH 119 |
Math - Applications for Living |
3 |
MAT 118 |
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I |
3 |
MATH 201 |
Math for Elementary Teachers I |
3 |
MAT 124 |
Precalculus |
5 |
MATH 122 |
Precalculus II |
4 |
MAT 126 |
Calculus I |
5 |
MATH 151 |
Calculus I |
4 |
MAT 212 |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
3 |
STAT 215 |
Intro to Probability and Stats |
3 |
MAT 218 |
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II |
3 |
MATH 202 |
Math for Elementary Teachers II |
3 |
MAT 225 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MATH 152 |
Calculus II |
4 |
MAT 226 |
Calculus III |
4 |
MATH 253 |
Calculus III |
4 |
MAT 230 |
Introduction to Linear Algebra |
3 |
MATH 260 |
Linear Algebra |
3 |
MUS 131 |
Music for Elementary Teachers |
3 |
MUSC 200 |
Music Fund for Elementary Teachers |
3 |
MUSC 275 |
Music Appreciation |
3 |
MUSC 199 |
Music Appreciation |
3 |
NUR 150 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
NURS 200 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
OIS 110 |
Introduction to Microsoft Outlook |
1 |
CABS 179 |
Microsoft Outlook |
1 |
OIS 136 |
Terminology & Proofreading |
3 |
ADMN 102 |
Editing Business Documents |
3 |
OIS 164 |
Business Communications I |
3 |
ENGL 127 |
Business Writing |
3 |
OIS 221 |
Computers in Business |
3 |
CISB 100 |
Intro Computer Info Systems |
3 |
OIS 264 |
Business Communications II |
3 |
ENGL 127 |
Business Writing |
3 |
PHL 201 |
Introductory Philosophy |
3 |
PHIL 153 |
Knowledge and Reality |
3 |
PHL 205 |
Practical Reasoning and Argumentation |
3 |
PHIL 151 |
Intro to Logic & Critical Think |
3 |
PHL 220 |
Ethical Issues |
3 |
PHIL 152 |
Introduction to Ethics |
3 |
PHY 103 |
Applied Physics |
4 |
PHYS 200 |
Intro Physics With Application |
4 |
PHY 105 |
Introductory College Physics I |
5 |
PHYS 221 |
Introductory Physics I |
4 |
PHY 106 |
Introductory College Physics II |
5 |
PHYS 222 |
Introductory Physics II |
4 |
PHY 211 |
University Physics I |
5 |
PHYS 251 |
Physics I: Mechanics |
5 |
PHY 212 |
University Physics II |
5 |
PHYS 252 |
Physics II: Electrom/Wave/Optic |
5 |
POL 201 |
Introduction to American Government |
3 |
POLS 120 |
American Political System |
3 |
POL 250 |
International Relations |
3 |
POLS 270 |
International Relations |
3 |
PSC 101 |
Introductory Astronomy |
4 |
ASTR 201 |
Introductory Astronomy |
4 |
PSC 102 |
Introductory Physical Science |
4 |
ISCI 131 |
Integrated Science - Physical |
4 |
PSY 101 |
Introduction to General Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 200 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
PSY 205 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 250 |
Abnormal Psychology |
3 |
PSY 210 |
Psychology of Personality |
3 |
PSYC 202 |
Psychology of Personality |
3 |
PSY 212 |
Developmental Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 205 |
Human Growth and Development |
3 |
SED 107 |
Introduction to Teaching |
3 |
EDUC 220 |
Introduction to Education |
3 |
SOC 101 |
Principles of Sociology |
3 |
SOCL 120 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
SOC 200 |
Contemporary Social Problems |
3 |
SOCL 255 |
Contemporary Social Problems |
3 |
SOC 202 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
PSYC 203 |
Social Psychology |
3 |
SOC 220 |
Sexuality and Society |
3 |
PSYC 240 |
Psychology of Human Sexuality |
3 |
SOC 222 |
Juvenile Delinquency |
3 |
CJUS 126 |
Juvenile Offenders/Families |
3 |
SOC 250 |
The American Family |
3 |
SOCL 254 |
Marriage and Family |
3 |
SPE 101 |
Fundamentals of Communications |
3 |
SPCH 120 |
Dynamics of Communication |
3 |
SPE 195 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
SPCH 280 |
Intercultural Communication |
3 |
SPE 257 |
Public Speaking |
3 |
SPCH 130 |
Fund of Public Speaking |
3 |
SPE 261 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
SPCH 140 |
Interpersonal Communication |
3 |
SPE 267 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
SPCH 260 |
Nonverbal Communication |
3 |
SPN 101 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPAN 121 |
Elementary Spanish I |
4 |
SPN 102 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
SPAN 122 |
Elementary Spanish II |
4 |
WLD 127 |
Basic Welding II |
3 |
WELD 100 |
Combination Welding |
3 |
WLD 245 |
Pipe Welding |
3 |
WELD 205 |
Pipe Welding |
3 |