Lansing Community College

Lansing Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The accreditation process assesses the capacity of an institution to assure the quality of its educational programs, and is necessary for our students to access federal financial aid. Every ten years an accredited institution must have its accreditation reaffirmed, and LCC will undergo a comprehensive evaluation by a team of HLC peer reviewers in anticipation of our reaffirmation in September 2024.

The Comprehensive Evaluation involves the preparation of two documents: an Assurance Argument and the Federal Compliance Filing (each of which is due in August 2024). The peer review team, typically consisting of five members of HLC’s Peer Corps, will then conduct an on-campus site visit on September 23-24, 2024.

This webpage, and its associated pages, will provide information and updates as appropriate. In addition, regular reports will be provided during Academic Senate meetings (the first official report occurred on February 24, 2023).


Contact Us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact

  • Mark Kelland, Professor & Accreditation Liaison Officer; 517-483-1056
  • Sally Welch, Provost and Senior VP of Academic Affairs; 517-483-1725


What's coming up on LCC's reaccreditation schedule?

LCC will submit its Assurance Argument and Federal Compliance Filing by August 19, 2024, and the Assurance Argument has been posted above.

Accreditors will visit LCC's campus on Sept. 23-24, 2024. They will want to meet with students, employees and community members, so check back here for the schedule.

the open mind art sculpture in the starzone