Taking an Alternative Delivery class saves students time spent in a classroom setting or reduces drive time by selecting a class location closer to their home. This flexibility helps busy people balance work, family and school and still reach their career and academic goals.
Electronically-supported Education Options
Online (100%)*
If you are self-motivated, an independent learner, and have the ability to work without face-to-face contact with an instructor or classmates, taking a course over the Internet will most likely work for you. Students enrolling in a 100% Online course should have existing computer skills or the ability to acquire such skills. Online instructors will follow a syllabus and set deadlines. It's up to the student to meet course requirements.
Online/Hybrid *
An Online/Hybrid course is one in which regularly scheduled classroom time is replaced a portion of the time with online course work and activities. This is a good option for students new to online learning or students who prefer a more structured learning environment but enjoy the flexibility that an online course provides as this type of course limits the number of times a student needs to be on-campus for class. Students spend part of their time face-to-face in the traditional classroom, lab, or worksite with an instructor and the other part participating on the Internet using LCC's Desire2Learn course management system
* All students are encouraged to complete Desire2Learn Orientation training prior to beginning an Online or Online/Hybrid course. For more information regarding training options please visit the Five Star Service Center page.
Other Alternatives
Variable Date and Late Start
Variable date and late start classes enable you to finish a course at a different pace than the standard semester. Registration deadlines for these classes can be found in the Adding a Class table in this schedule book or online.
Weekend - People who work full time find weekend courses easier to fit into their busy schedules. Course lengths vary from one to three days or many extend the entire semester.
Off campus Learning Locations - An off-campus learning location provides LCC students the opportunity to select the class(es) closest to their home or work. These sites--often located in area schools, community education buildings, or in their own buildings--have ample, free parking and are within a 40-mile radius of Lansing. For more information contact an LCC Learning Center near you, or visit us on the web at our Community Engagement page for more information.
LCC East, East Lansing, 517-483-1860
Livingston County Center at Parker Campus, Howell, 517-545-3522
Learning Communities
Students enrolling in learning community classes have the advantage of learning about two or more subjects focused around a common theme and studying with the same group of students. In a learning community, students sign up for two or more courses. This type of learning environment promotes a group learning experience.
Online Learning - Internet Courses
Lansing Community College's online courses apply to degree or transfer programs in the same way as traditional courses. Entire degree and certificate programs can be completed online! For a complete listing of available online Associate Degrees, Certificates, and transfer programs, visit our Online Degrees and Certificates page.
Would Online Learning suit me?
Online Learning will suit students who are motivated, independent learners, those who can work without face-to-face contact with the instructor or classmates and who have reasonable skills in using computers or have the ability to acquire such skills. LCC uses the Desire2Learn course management system to deliver online courses, which can be accessed through myLCC.
Online Learning Advantages
Online Learning students can adapt study and participation requirements to personal, family, or work schedules. Regular trips to campus are not required.
However, adaptability of the course has limits, as most courses are not self-paced. Students must participate in online discussion when required for a course. Students must submit assignments when due. Work and time commitments are at least the same as for traditional courses. Some exams are taken at the LCC campus or by an approved proctor. If you take a test off-campus, additional proctoring fees may apply.
Technical Requirements
A word processing program is required for all courses. Hardware and software needs vary from course to course. Go to our eLearning Student Support and Resources page to see if your computer meets the minimum requirements for online courses.
Internet Service
It is recommended that students have access to a high speed Internet connection. Students using dial up connections may experience delays or difficulty viewing course material in Desire2Learn. Consult an online advisor at 517-483-1880, for suggestions or email: online_info@lcc.edu.
More information
LCC's Online Learning web site has extensive and regularly updated information. For more information please visit our eLearning Student Support and Resources page. If you still have questions, call an online advisor at (517) 483-1880, or email online_info@lcc.edu.
Other Alternative Delivery Opportunities
If you are looking for online courses that are not currently offered this semester, you may find what you need at the Michigan Community College Virtual Learning Collaborative (MCCVLC) web site. Lansing Community College is a member of this collaborative and can help you access a variety of courses from Michigan community colleges.
For complete prerequisites, class locations, dates and times, see the Course Offerings in Banner.
The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Email: registrar@lcc.edu
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Email: financialaid@lcc.edu
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Email: eadvising@lcc.edu
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500
Email: lcc-testing-services@lcc.edu