The Adult Resource Center Fund is made possible through contributions from individual community members and organizations including Capital Region Community Foundation, Okemos Presbyterian Church, Peoples Church, Zonta Club of Michigan Capita Area, and Zonta Club of Lansing.
These financial awards for Lansing Community College are for individuals whose education has been interrupted and whose high school class graduated six years ago or more.
Students are required to submit the application for federal financial aid (Pell Grant). If you are eligible for and are receiving the Pell Grant , and it is insufficient, you may, in some cases, receive assistance from the ARC Foundation Grant.
Grant recipients must be willing to allow their residency status (in or out of district, etc). course taken, grades, completion of certificate or degree and the amount of grant awarded to be made available to those donors requiring this information for their records.
Students applying for the Special Populations Grant must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current school year and satisfy any requests for verification. Your FAFSA result and special populations grant application will be used to determine need and potential eligibility for the grant.
Dependents: The number in the family who are claimed on the income tax return or children for whom you have custody or joint custody.
Recipients of the grant awards will be selected on the basis of need and demonstrated interest in attending LCC. Awards are based on the availability of funds. Those in greatest need and with extenuating circumstances will have priority. Students must have demonstrated financial need via the current school year FAFSA.
This award is designed to assist students in obtaining their educational/ occupational goal. Eligible courses include those taken toward a certificate or an Associate Degree, job oriented courses, those taken for transfer, and Student Development courses.
Students who have taken other LCC classes must have a grade point average of 2.0 or above and must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Withdrawals ("W") and Incompletes ("I") may affect eligibility. No Repeat ("R") classes will be funded unless approved by a ARC staff member.
Applicants must not have attempted more than 70 semester credits from any college or university.
Grant recipients are required to complete Reading and Writing Skills Assessments and meet with an advisor in the Adult Resource Program for a course approval appointment.
Note: According to federal guidelines, those with the greatest financial need will have priority.