Degree Works is a computerized guide to help you and your advisor monitor and plan your pathway toward completion of your certificate(s) and degree(s). Degree Works compares your coursework against the requirements for your declared major/program to produce an easy-to-read audit divided into blocks (Degree/Certificate, Major/Program, General Education, etc.). Check-boxes within each block show whether requirements are completed, in-progress (enrolled courses), or are still needed. With Degree Works you also can run What-If scenarios to try different majors, and your advisor and you can set up plans for future semesters, too.
How to access Degree Works
Students access Degree Works through myLCC
- Login to myLCC
- Click on the School tab
- Click on Degree Works in the Student eToolbox
- Degree Works Audit page displays
Note: Students who attended prior to Fall 2011 or have not been actively enrolled in 3+ years, may notice that their Degree Audit in Degree Works may be temporarily inactivated. These students should contact Academic Advising to reactivate their Degree Works.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Degree Works?
Degree Works is a computerized guide to help you and your advisor monitor and plan your pathway toward completion of your certificate(s) and degree(s). Degree Works compares your coursework against the requirements for your declared major/program to produce an easy-to-read audit divided into blocks (Degree/Certificate, Major/Program, General Education, etc.). Check-boxes within each block show whether requirements are completed, in-progress (enrolled courses), or are still needed. With Degree Works you also can run What-If scenarios to try different majors, and your advisor and you can set up plans for future semesters, too.
How do students access Degree Works?
Students access Degree Works through myLCC
- Login to myLCC
- Click on the School tab
- Click on Degree Works in the Student eToolbox
- Degree Works Audit page displays
Are all students in Degree Works?
Students who have enrolled and have been admitted to LCC beginning Fall 2011, are in Degree Works.
What is an audit?
Your Degree Works audit shows how past, in-progress, and enrolled courses counts toward completing LCC certificates and degrees. The audit is divided into blocks (Degree/Certificate, Major/Program, General Education, etc.). When all the requirements within a block are checked off, the block then is checked off as completed. When all the blocks are checked off, the certificate or degree is checked off as completed as well.
If you use the Look Ahead function in the Worksheets tab on the left-hand side of Degree Works, you can type in courses you plan to take, then run an audit to see how much closer to completion these courses would take you.
How is my Degree Works audit different from my transcript?
Your Degree Works audit is a guide to help you monitor and plan your pathway toward completion of your certificate(s) and degree(s). Your transcript is the official LCC record that provides a chronological list of your courses, grades, credit totals, and other academic information.
Why is Degree Works auditing the wrong program?
What is a What-If?
A What-If allows you to see how close you are to completing a program other than your declared one. If you wish to change your program, either the major or the year, contact the Academic Advising Center in the Gannon StarZone.
How do I do a What-If?
To do a What-If in Degree Works, click on the What-If option in the Worksheets tab on the left side. Select an academic year (one that does not predate your first courses at LCC), select a major from the dropdown, and click the Process What-If button. Requirements are shown as completed, in-progress (enrolled courses), or still needed, just as they are in an audit.
If you use the choose the Future Classes function, you can type in courses you plan to take, then run a What-If to see how much closer to completion these courses would take you.
Does Degree Works read my courses that transferred in from other schools?
Yes, Degree Works reads all courses on your LCC record, whether taken here or transferred in.
Why did I get an error message?
"No requirement blocks were found" means that your declared major is not in Degree Works. In this case, you will need to consult the applicable curriculum guide or change your program.
"Your declared catalog term and/or major are prior to Fall 2011" means that the year of your major is not in Degree Works. In this case, you will need to change your major to a newer year that is in Degree Works.
If you wish to change your program, either the major or the year, contact the Academic Advising Center in the Gannon StarZone.
How current is my information in Degree Works?
The information in Degree Works is refreshed each night. Any changes made today (e.g., grade changes, courses added or dropped, or change of program) will be shown in Degree Works tomorrow.
Can I register in Degree Works?
No, you will continue to register in Banner Self-Service.
If my academic department filled out paperwork to waive or substitute a requirement in my program, does Degree Works show this?
Can I use Degree Works to plan for future semesters?
Yes, Academic Advisors can meet with students and set up your academic plan for each semester.
How often should I check Degree Works?
You should review your Degree Works audit at least four times each semester:
- Before you meet with your advisor to discuss registration for an upcoming semester.
- After you register to ensure that the courses you selected apply to your requirements as planned.
- After your grades for each semester are posted.
- Any time you change your schedule or your program.
Why is my transfer coursework listed in Other Courses rather than satisfying a requirement?
Transfer coursework at LCC has a grade of TR, which is equivalent to a 2.0. Sometimes a program needs courses to have specific grades of 2.5 or higher. In such cases, academic departments will check the original transcript sent by the previous institution, and in the appropriate cases they will submit a substitution/waiver to allow the TR grade. For any questions, consult your advisor.
Are there brief tutorial videos about Degree Works?
Yes, the tutorial is available at the top of the page.
What should I do if I think my audit is wrong, or if I have other questions?
For questions or concerns about your Degree Works audit, consult your advisor.
Registrar's Office Contact
Our office is located in the StarZone in the Gannon Building. For directions, see us on Google Maps

Mailing Address
Registrar's Office
Lansing Community College
411 N Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933-1215
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668