FAQs for the Academic Senate
How often does the Senate meet and where do they meet?
The Academic Senate meets on Payday Fridays from 9:10-11:00AM. They meet virtually over WebEx with two Hybrid meetings a semester where in-person attendance is encouraged.
Does the Senate meet in person or virtually?
The Academic Senate meets virtually over WebEx with two Hybrid meetings a semester where in-person attendance is encouraged.
Who can attend an Academic Senate Meeting?
The Academic Senate meeting is open to everyone. Meeting links can be found in The Operations email the Monday before the meetings. We encourage anyone considering being a senator to attend a meeting in advance.
I read about Academic Senate Committees. Please explain.
There are 7 Standing Committees of the Academic Senate. Senators and non-senators are members but all Chairs of the committees are senators. For me information please visit our Standing Committee Website for descriptions of each subcommittee.
- Committee for Assessing Student Learning (CASL)
- Curriculum Committee (CC)
- Student Advisory Committee (SAC)
- Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC)
- Budget Committee
- Engagement Committee (EC)
- Adjunct Advisory Committee
Where can I find a list of the current Senators from my Program/Area?
All senators are listed on the Academic Senate Website.
Are students ever involved in the Academic Senate?
There are two student senators that each have one-year terms. There is also a Standing Committee of the Academic Senate called the Student Advisory Committee that deals with specific student issues and has no limit to the number of student members.
What is the benefit of being on the Academic Senate?
Members have the opportunity to shape and influence academic policy for a positive effect on student experience. Additionally, serving on the Academic Senate allows for networking with faculty and administration enhancing collaborative experiences. It is a great way to grow your leadership skills and gain valuable insights about how the college operates.
Do I need to be a faculty member to be on the Academic Senate?
The Academic Senate is made up of 25% appointed Administrative Senators and 75% Elected Senators. Elected Senators can be either Probationary or Non-Probationary Teaching Faculty or Academic Professionals, and can be either adjunct or full-time.
If I get elected to the Senate, how long will I serve?
Most terms are for three years. In rare circumstances there can be special elections when senators leave a term early and positions will be filled for one or two years.
Do Academic Senators get paid?
Full time faculty senators and academic professional senators can put their Academic Senate work on their 32-day plan. Adjunct faculty senators are paid for attending Academic Senate meetings and for any meetings or work they do pertain to the Academic Senate.
Who can run for Academic Senate?
- Nominees can be either Probationary or Non-Probationary Teaching Faculty or Academic Professionals, and can be either adjunct or full-time. This include remote instructors.
- Division At-Large senators can come from any department in that particular division. Division At-Large senators must still meet the criteria stated above.
- Member At-Large senators can come from any department across the entire college that is represented in the Academic Senate. Member At-large Senators must still meet the criteria stated above.
- Member At-Large, Part-Time Faculty senators can come from any department across the entire college that is represented in the Academic Senate. Member At-large, Part-Time Faculty Senators must still meet the criteria stated above. Member At-Large, Part-Time Faculty must be a part-time teaching faculty or part-time academic professional.
- MAHE Executive Officers are not eligible to serve in the Academic Senate during their term of office.
What are the responsibilities of an Academic Senator?
How much of my time will the Senate involve?
Academic Senate involvement varies by senator. Senators are required to attend the payday Friday meetings. We encourage senators to join a Standing Committee as well. There are various other work groups that senators can participate. Senators are encouraged to spend their time on topics that interest them.
Do I have to be an academic ‘wizard’ to be involved in the Senate?
While the Academic Senate meeting is “lightly” governed by Robert’s Rules, no previous experience is needed or expected.
Contact the Provost

Administration Bldg, Room 301
Sally Welch
Phone: (517) 483-1725
Laura Medina
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Phone: (517) 483-1725
Fax: (517) 483-1845
E-mail: LCC-Provost-Office@star.lcc.edu