Our Purpose
The Maya Angelou Training Center, MATC, established in honor of Dr. Angelou and her contributions to the world, serves to empower and inspire individuals, groups, and communities. MATC strives to increase DEIB awareness through a series of RISE certifications. Dr. Angelou’s poem, Still I Rise, exemplifies persistence, perseverance, and collective strength necessary to elicit a change for both the individual and the world at large. The Maya Angelou Training Center (MATC) is committed to providing eclectic training resources and experiences to members of our community with sustainable opportunities. To galvanize members of our LCC family: Leaders, staff, faculty, students, and the community at large. MATC will also empower those who are marginalized, understanding how their unique perspectives could be leveraged. MATC will prepare those it serves through trainings to thrive in a diverse world by enhancing awareness surrounding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging emphasizing the importance these understandings play in our community.
Our Goal
Empower our Stars to RISE above all in order to keep Soaring! MATC will accomplish this through the use of a 10-course certificate series focusing on DEIB from its definition and one’s personal DEIB story to establishing a Culture of Care and finishing with Living and Celebrating DEIB. Reframing Inclusion Through Scholarship and Equity (RISE) addresses unconscious bias and critical issues that educators face every day, MATC training is designed to encourage ownership of professional growth and learning, in a concise format. MATC offers a new model to include self-reflection and introspection in regards to the workspace and other areas of engagement that allow us to understand and live the values of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
Our Pillars
Student focused, Learner centered, empathy, and active listening.
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Dr. Maya Angelou
Our Team

Dawn Hardin
Director, Maya Angelou Training Center

Devin T. Flournoy
Lead Diversity Training Coordinator

Estefania Reyes-Reynoso
Training Coordinator

Isabella Rodriguez
Student Administrative Support

Contact Us
Maya Angelou Training Center
A&S Building, Room 1313
Phone: 517-483-9804
Email: matc@lcc.edu