calendar February 4, 2025
What does the college do to protect student information?
LCC protects student privacy as required by law, through what is known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA. Under FERPA, the only information LCC can release publicly is what is called directory information. Directory information is defined as:
- Name of student
- Dates of attendance
- Enrollment status
- Awards, degrees, or certificates received
- Participation in officially recognized activities
- Sport, weight, and height of members of an athletic team
- Previous educational agency or institution attended
- LCC email address
Students also have the right to withhold the disclosure of the directory information. To request to prevent disclosure, students must submit a Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information.
There are several legal exceptions to FERPA’s privacy rules. This includes to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. You can learn more about student privacy by visiting the Registrar’s Office Privacy of Student Records webpage.
What should I do if I am concerned about the impact of changing federal immigration policies in my life?
Employees and students concerned about the impact of immigration and/or potential Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activities on their personal life are encouraged to contact a lawyer specializing in immigration matters and/or visit U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for general information. If you need legal assistance, you can also contact the State Bar of Michigan.
LCC offers free mental health counseling for students through our Counseling Services and for employees through our Employee Assistance Program.
What should LCC employees do if approached by ICE agents who are on campus?
If an employee were to be approached by federal agents or any other law enforcement who were on campus and looking for support or information:
- Be polite and respectfully inform the agent(s) that you will contact the LCC Police Department to assist them.
- Call LCC Police at 517-483-1800.
- If questioned, inform the agent that LCC Police will assist them upon their arrival.
calendar January 29, 2025
Student loans and grants not expected to be impacted by federal funding freeze
UPDATE: The White House has rescinded the federal funding pause that was ordered on January 27. There is no change to student grants or loans.
The White House on Monday, January 27, 2025, ordered a pause on federal grants and loans, according to a memo from the Office of Management and Budget. The U.S. Department of Education said the freeze will not affect student loans or financial aid for college.
LCC will continue to monitor statements from the White House and the U.S. Department of Education, and we will post new information to this page as it becomes available.
calendar May 9, 2024
Does Lansing Community College have investments in Israel or any other foreign country?
Michigan Community Colleges must adhere to the State of Michigan Public Act 331 (PA331), section 389.142, which in section 1(a) stipulates that LCC's investments are restricted to bonds, bills or notes of the United States, or of an agency or instrumentality of the United States. Further, the college investment policy states that LCC is not authorized to put funds into investments involving foreign currency. With this in mind, the majority of LCC's funds are certificates of deposit through Michigan-based financial institutions and money market funds which are also only put into funds that are allowable per PA331.
calendar March 11, 2024
Where can I get information about the ongoing construction projects on US-127 and I-496?
Please visit the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) website for more information and to sign up for email updates.
Where should I send questions about current events?
Please feel free to direct any inquiries to