Does the Constitution still matter? Join the discussion on September 17!
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 | Noon – 1 p.m.
A&S 1122 and Livestreaming via WebEx
Constitution Day 2024 Alumni and Student Panel
Title: A Constitution That (still) Matters?
It is a time of great social and political change as well as technological upheaval. Threats abroad to liberal democracy abound. Americans around the country live in a polarized world where elections are sharply and closely contested. Levels of trust in all levels of government are at or near all-time historic lows. At the center of many of our most pressing disputes and anxieties lies the U. S. Constitution, a frame of government that has stood the test of centuries. Why, these days of all days, does the Constitution still matter?
The LCC Political Science Department and the Honors Program are proud co-sponsors of an alumni and student panel convened to answer this question.