Retiree Recognition For: Sandy Leong

Title / Dept:
Career Advisor / Career and Employment Services
Career Advisor / Career and Employment Services
I applied to this part-time career advising position and was hired for it. James Woolcock graciously served as my onboarder/trainer during my first month on the job and for awhile beyond.
The or a favorite memory of mine: A student had a Resume Appointment with me. He had applied to a government internship and had not heard anything from the employer for awhile. I recommended a number of specific changes to his resume and worked collbaoratively with him to enhace his resume. Soon thereafter he sent me a thank you email informing me that he got an interview and internship offer within less than a week after submitting his revised/enhanced resume. He mentioned that the employer really liked his resume format. I was thrlled for him and appreciated him sending me an email to thank me and update me.
My greatest a ccomplishments or successes while working at LCC include:
Providing career advising to students and alums for 11 years, always striviing to make a positive difference in their lives.
Developing and providing numerous classroom presentations, supporting students' education and building a network of positive collaborative reationships with LCC Faculty and Staff along the way.
Initiating a handbook project and successfully creating four career handbooks with my colleague Rebecca Sowa, all four of which are accessible to students, LCC alums, and others 24/7 via the Students link on the CES website.
Creating a "toolkit" of approximately 100 new handouts that can be utilized as desired during career advising, class presentations, workshops, and events as appropriate.
Developing and conducting several trainings and, in 2023, two concurrent Professional Activity Day concurrent sessions for LCC employees.
Presentating three to four workshops annually for several years for students in the former Early College Progam.
Gary King and Mara Fisher are two of the people who made working here great!
I am looking forward to embarking on a new specific career, potentially, doing volunteer work, and traveling abroad, particularly in Asia and Europe, visiting with my husband and my two children, and having more time to read.
I have been grateful to have had the opportunity to work in Student Affairs at LCC and work with so many dedicated LCC employees. Thank you for your referrals, opportuntiies to present in your classes, and your collaboration with me, and thank you for all the work you do to teach/guide/help students and faciltiate their achieving success!
Supervisor: Monet Lewis
A favorite memory of Sandy is the time she came by my office while I was playing music, and the two of us shared a dance break. This moment reflects Sandy’s loving nature and her ability to create a sense of belonging. Sandy, congratulations on your retirement and best wishes to your family!
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