Retiree Recognition For: Marvin Helmker

Title / Dept:
Emergency Medical Services Program Director / HHS
Emergency Medical Services Program Director / HHS
I began my LCC student journey in the fall of 1977. Back then, cars had not yet been invented so I had to walk to class five miles, uphill both ways, with snow up to my waist in the winter months of September-May. You get the picture!
Among my early memories are attending classes in Old Central and the lower level of the Gannon Building. There have been some great new additions of buildings and upgrades over the years, including new campuses.
I began my LCC employee journey an an adjunct faculty member in the fall of 1989. I had taken an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) instructor course that summer which then allowed me to become licensed by the State of MI as an EMS educator and begin teaching. In 2012-13 I taught full-time in our EMS Program, then accepted my current position of EMS Program Director in 2016.
LCC has played a tremendous role in my career path. Many of the courses I took at LCC and the two degree earned here were the foundation for the various positions I have held both at LCC and elsewhere throughout my career.
That's easy: the people! I work with a great team of faculty within our EMS program, each of whom is committed and dedicated to educating our students. I am also blessed to have a great group of administrators and support staff in our HHS Division office who I have relied on so many times over the years for their help and answers to my questions.
Having a part in teaching the next generation of EMS providers who serve in our communities. On the chance that I need emergency medical care at some point, one of those responding to my call for help will likely be someone that I and my peers have taught. I can only hope that we educated that person well!
I am also honored to now work with several of our faculty who I have had as students in the past. It is great to have seen these individuals excel in their careers, then return to LCC to teach and share their experiences with others.
Not having the alarm go off at 5:45 a.m. five days a week! Spending additional time with five grandkids and one on the way, as well as our four adult daughters and their husbands. Taking some trips with my wife to places we have not been. Continuing to learn new stuff. Going camping in September when everyone else is either working or back in school. Training our chocolate lab, Myrtle, to be a therapy dog. Contributing to society in some meaningful ways instead of just sitting around at home watching TV; that would be yucky! justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8) is a Bible verse I attempt to live by. On a totally separate note, for those of you who I have pranked during my years at LCC, my goal is to get out of here without any of you paying me back!
Supervisor: Betsy Burger
While I am excited for Marv as he starts this next chapter in his life, I am sad for not only the EMS program, but also for HHS and LCC. Marv has never been about what is in it for him personally, but about what he can do for the students, program and his colleagues. I met Marv when I started my position as a Program Director in HHS and over the years have learned so many valuable lessons from him. His calmness, sense of humor and quick wit will be greatly missed. And of course, we will all miss his alter ego Mr. Vernon Veeblemeister. Best of luck Marv and as you have said, this is not goodbye, but rather see you later.
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