'We're Better' program debuts at LCC - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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'We're Better' program debuts at LCC

'We're Better' program debuts at LCC

Chloe Gregg

By Chloe Gregg
Associate Editor

“We’re Better Than THAT” is a partnership between LCC’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Public Safety Division. It is designed to emphasize shared responsibility to speak up against bias, racism, hate and all forms of discrimination.

The campaign is to remind everyone that bias and hate are not tolerated on the LCC campus, nor in the LCC community.

“We’re Better Than THAT” launches Thursday, March 17. It will include a list of pledges, engagement activities and notable action items being enacted within campus departments, classrooms and throughout our community.

LCC Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Tonya Bailey said that over the next 10 years, “We’re Better Than THAT” will promote and foster a campus and community climate where everyone will be able to have these difficult conversations.

“Focusing on prescient topics and strategies to address bias, ‘We’re Better Than THAT’ is an initiative to stop hate speech and bigotry in our community,” Bailey said. “This inaugural year of ‘We’re Better Than THAT’ will focus on all of the nine principles identified in our pledge.

“Beginning in 2023, each year of ‘We’re Better Than THAT’ will be dedicated to a specific principle within the Pledge.”

The “We’re Better Than THAT” Pledge affirms one will always speak out against racist, bigoted, and/or biased behavior observed on LCC campuses in support of equitable campus communities.

“We believe our students are the difference makers,” Bailey said. “They can help us create an atmosphere where hate, racism and intolerance are rejected, and inclusion is the norm with actionable steps that show ‘We’re Better Than THAT.’”

Students can get involved in this movement by signing the pledge and then being the pledge.  For a list of upcoming related events, or to sign up, visit the website.




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