Make your Valentine's Day fun-tastic - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Make your Valentine's Day fun-tastic

V-day art

Image from

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

It’s that time of year again to show a special someone just how much you care.

Perfect the way you spend the day by checking out some of these fun-tastic events going on right here in Lansing.

Paint and learn to salsa with your partner at the Valentine’s Day Couples Paint and Dance Event! The event will be held at Fusion Dance Center, located at 6500 Mercantile Way # 3, on Wednesday, Feb 14.

The class will begin at 6 p.m. and end at 8 p.m. Adult beverages will not be served, but bringing your own is both allowed and encouraged.

The class costs $120 per couple, and childcare can also be provided on property for an extra $30. Sounds pricey, but just think of the souvenirs you will take home!

You never know when you may need to salsa, so click here and get your ticket now!

If you are someone who prefers to remain seated when listening to music, Lansing is still the place to be.

Valentine’s Day Live Music: Corzo Effect will be played by the Comfort Zone Cigar Lounge & Bistro, located at 600 S. Pennsylvania Ave. The event is on Feb. 14 from 7 to 10 p.m.

The kitchen will be open, meaning dinner is an option, but reservations are necessary. Click here and make the call before the house is full.

Another way to celebrate could include an early Saturday morning of Pizza Making at the Valentine’s Day Pizza & Dough Class. This event will be held Saturday, Feb. 17 at Saddleback BBQ in REO Town, located at 1147 S. Washington Ave.

Class will be held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to, how to make dough, types of flour, correct water temperature, how to know when it’s done and SO much more.

Taste testing may occur and in the class description it is said that no one should leave hungry. Click here to see for yourself. This class costs $149.99 and is the first one ever to be attributed to Valentine’s Day.

Owner Matthew Gillett said the class is scheduled for the Saturday after Valentines, but he did make it clear that it is not an exclusive couples’ event. 

“It’s open to anybody,” Gillett said jovially. “We make some dough, then some pizzas. We listen to good music, have some jokes and just have a good time.”



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