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Review: 'Diplomat' worth diving into

The Diplomat

Season one of "The Diplomat" is streaming on Netflix, and season two is in the works.  Photo from Netflix

Kaitlyn Delaney

Four and a Half out of Five Stars

By Kaitlyn Delaney
Photo Editor

“The Diplomat” is a 2023 Emmy nominee TV series found on Netflix. It appeared in Netflix’s Top 10 in 86 countries in its debut season.

“The Diplomat” follows Kate Wyler (Keri Russell) and her husband Hal (Rufus Sewell) as they navigate through Kate earning a new diplomatic position in the UK that puts their skills, and marriage, to the test.

Between a move to a new country, and Hal struggling with no longer being the legendary diplomat he used to be, the couple struggle to balance work and life. Hal has to learn to step back, while Kate is learning to step forward and stand up for herself.

As someone who has always found something interesting about the dramatization of something as large as our own government, this show immediately intrigued me. The thought of potentially learning something new, and getting some entertainment, was a huge draw.

“The Diplomat” did not let me down. Admittedly, the first episode or two were hard to get into, but once the real drama set in, I was hooked. Who knew UK ambassadors lead such interesting lives?

With Debora Cahn, who has worked on shows like “The West Wing” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” as the creator of this show, it’s no wonder the show is as gripping as it is. From the intense plot lines, to the characters doing things to embarrass themselves, there’s a nice balance between funny and serious.

I can only give the show four and a half stars though, because it was slow to get into. But if you are to watch the show, trust me, it gets better. It gets better in a way where you’re already done with the season before you even realize how invested you are.

“The Diplomat” has officially confirmed a season two is to come and, honestly, I can’t wait.



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