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Student pursuing journalism career

Student in journalism

Joey Schwindt has been interested in a career in journalism since his sophomore year in high school.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

Journalists have never been more imperative to America’s future. Luckily, according to, 45.1 percent of current journalists were journalism majors in college,  

LCC student Joey Schwindt, 19, yearns to become a part of that statistic. He said it is his way of being in the field he wants, but from a different angle.

“I had interest since about sophomore year (in high school),” he said. “I was thinking about what to do. I knew I wanted to do something in the sports field and the idea of getting to work behind the scenes just really intrigued me.”

Schwindt is also considering possibly double-majoring in marketing because, to him, it’s the same skill set, just applied differently.

“I am able to persuade audiences, like a writer does,” he said.

As a freshman at LCC, Schwindt is wasting no time making himself at home. He is taking five courses for a total of 16 credits, on top of also participating in both cross country and track & field.

“I fit in really well at LCC,” he said. “My teammates are awesome; we hang out all the time. My coaches are great. (Head Coach) Jim Robinson is awesome. It’s just a really welcoming place.”

Schwindt continues to work himself to the bone, but he said it is an old habit. He held a 3.6 GPA, participated in sports, worked a nearly full-time job AND handled an internship in high school.

His internship is what led to his love of journalism. He said the whole thing was kind of a happy accident.

“Ironically, I met the guy I interned for at one of my track meets,” he said with a laugh. “He was interviewing me and afterwards I asked him if he had any spots available. I ended up being the first person in high school to intern for him. I started something new and it is has carried on.

“It was a lot of fun. I got to interview a lot of people I grew up with and they thought it was cool that they were in the paper. Their parents all knew me and were all happy about it. I got to announce a few games which was a whole lot of fun. Just to have the whole community backing you … it was a really cool experience.”

Out of everyone in his life, Schwindt named his mother, Ronda Schwindt, as the most important.

“My mom is awesome,” he said. “She is super cool; she is definitely my rock. She has always been there for me and supported me. She is a very hard-working person. I miss her.”

Ronda said her son has always been a gift. She got a bit teary-eyed when talking about him.

“He is an outstanding young man,” she said. “I am a single mom and he has always helped pick up the slack. He has an incredible love for others and a very big heart. He will do anything for anybody. He’s always been that way. I love him so much.”

Schwindt said he draws a lot of motivation from the people he loves.

He had a somber moment when remembering another major influence in his life; a dear friend and teammate named Thomas, who he lost in his junior year of high school.

“He took his life,” he said. “He was a month younger than me. He is doing good up there, I am sure. It’s been a couple years now, but I will always think about him.”

Schwindt said it was really hard to run again after his friend’s death. As time passed, however, he began to run for his friend again. He still wears a commemorative T-shirt of his friend’s life to honor him.

Schwindt was born in Missoula, Mont., but moved to Nevada when he was 4. He discovered Michigan when he was 11.  He said out of all three places, he prefers being a Michigander.

He likes the snow and trees. He also likes light blue, long road trips and watching any sport that is on. His favorite movie is “Step Brothers” and he has recently switched from coffee to vitamin water.

Schwindt loves life but, unlike most his age, knows just how short it can be. He said he intends to make the most of every second he is given, as a result.

“Live every day like it’s your last,” he said.



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