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Dental hygiene student loves living life


Chloe Gregg is graduating from the LCC Dental Hygiene Program this month. She will be leaving The Lookout after four years on the staff, including the past six months as editor in chief.  Courtesy photo

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Associate Editor

While some know exactly what they want to do from the beginning, others change their mind a little later in the game but couldn’t be happier. Chloe Gregg is one of those people.

Gregg, 21, came to LCC as a 17-year-old journalism major, but is graduating this May as a certified dental hygienist. She is completing Dental Hygiene Board Review, Community Oral Health, Dental Hygiene and a clinic for a total of 16 credits.

To her, the clinic work is the most rewarding because she said she really enjoys giving back to her community. She is happy to tell anyone and everyone about this neat service that LCC offers.

“Our dental clinic is on campus in the HHS building,” she said. “There are 24 dental hygiene girls and we see about 20 patients every Tuesday and Thursday. It’s $25 for students and, depending on how deep of a cleaning you need, it can range between $40 and $80; but that includes x-rays, fluoride, all of it.”

While Gregg continues to show great promise as a dental hygienist, some may recognize her name from The Lookout where she spent time as a staff writer, associate editor and finally editor-in-chief.

She said her writing has always been something that she holds near and dear, whether it was the novels she was writing in high school or her latest editorial.

Gregg said The Lookout helped her grow as a writer, but also gave her many friends and fun experiences that she values the most.

“My favorite part of being at The Lookout was all of the people I got to meet and work with,” she said. “I know they are lasting connections.”

The Lookout Adviser Larry Hook has never had anything but good things to say about Gregg and is certain she will be a hard one to replace.

“Chloe has been a model employee for four years,” Hook said. “I can always count on her to complete all her assignments in a timely fashion.

“Chloe’s strengths include being able to write quickly and concisely, being extremely accurate and, in general, being a pleasant person to work with. I will miss having her on our staff a great deal.”

Jonah Unger, a staff writer with The Lookout, described Gregg as a down-to-earth person who is easy to talk to.

“She is a very accepting, non-judgmental person who really sees people for who they are,” Unger said. “She is open to have any conversation. The first time we were put in a room together – just the two of us – I thought it would be awkward, but we just talked like normal people.”

Gregg clearly has a heart of gold but said that it, unsurprisingly, runs in the family.

“My mom is just one of the nicest people you will probably ever meet,” Gregg said. “She is a real nurturer, she takes good care of all of her children and, boy, does she have a lot of them.”

Gregg is one of five and her mother was able to raise them all while maintaining a successful career as a senior database administrator.

Her father is a jack of all trades who has done a variety of things, but always focused more on the kids and the home, making as much time for his children as he could. He did this even if it meant they came to work with him.

“Right now, he sells cruises, but before that he was a DJ,” Gregg said. “It was the coolest thing ever because I’m a singer. We would go out and I would sing Karaoke while he was getting paid for it.”

Gregg said her brothers have always been sweet and there for her, defying the stereotype at every turn.

“I’ve had great luck when it comes to brothers,” she said. “People are always telling about how their brother used to pull their hair or something. I never had to deal with that. I was the baby girl; they were all praying for me.”

Gregg may be the baby of the family, but she moves with agency and has the heart of an explorer.

She has been to several European and Central American countries, most of countries in the Caribbean and some other random destinations here and there. Still she said there is much more to see.

Recently, in a spirit of graduation, she and her live-in boyfriend, Kobe, sat down to make to a bucket list that doesn’t seem like it will ever stop growing.

“It’s a pretty big list,” she said. “I would like to at least make a good dent in it in the next five years.”

Things like seeing Mt. Everest, African safaris and pyramid gazing have all made the list, but Gregg is happy to take things one trip at a time.

She said she is one of those people who likes to stay present in the moment and would like to remind everyone else to do the same.

She loves all music, rainbows and smiling. Her passion for life seeps into everything she does and it shows in the colorful tapestry that is her life.

“My favorite thing about life,” she said, “is just living it.”



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