Student Eldridge loves math, music - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Student Eldridge loves math, music

Mallori Eldridge

LCC student Mallori Eldridge planning to transfer to Northern Michigan University to study mathematics.  Photo by Kaitlyn Delaney

Kaitlyn Delaney

By Kaitlyn Delaney
Photo Editor

Some people believe there can be a deep connection between math and music. LCC student Mallori Eldridge, 18, proves someone can absolutely enjoy both.

Having taken early college classes for three years in high school, Eldridge has been working on classes that meet the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA). She is planning to transfer to Northern Michigan University to study mathematics.

With a favorite color of green, and her favorite animal being a cat, the choice seems fitting.

“I thought it was really fitting when I picked a university that (has) green as their color, and their mascot was a wildcat,” Eldridge said. “I thought that was kind of fun.”

Her course load this semester is made up of Linear Algebra, Calculus 3, Economics and Intro to Python.

“I like it, since it’s the first year I’ve been on campus full-time,” Eldridge said. “I’ve been enjoying having nice places to sit down and study.”

She said she likes LCC’s campus.

“They have a lot of services,” she said. “Like it’s really nice when you walk through TLC and they have that bowl of candy.”

Outside of class, Eldridge enjoys playing many types of board games with her family, and enjoying music.

“I’m on the internet a lot,” she said. “I love music; I go to concerts a lot. I used to play guitar a lot, but then I kind of slowed down. I basically listen to music a lot (and) I do homework.”

Eldridge’s favorite band currently is The Killers, although AJR is up there, too. She also enjoys listening to Taylor Swift.

She loves the versatility of pasta, and finds it hard to pick just one specific type.

One of Eldridge’s friends, Samantha Herrmann, said her favorite thing about Eldridge is the way she loves.

“Mallori is the kind of person who loves very selectively, but when she does it's with her whole heart,” Herrmann said. “She loves music unlike anyone I've ever known, having the perfect songs ready for any situation.”

Herrmann said she also admires Eldridge’s thoughtfulness, and willingness to put others first.

“She is a very empathetic person who will always try to understand someone's perspective, even if that person had never considered hers,” Herrmann explained.

Eldridge said she believes in looking for signs she is going the right way in life, citing her mother for the belief.

“When (my mother) was making a huge career change, she saw a cardinal outside, and that reminded her of her dad,” Eldridge said. “And she thought, ‘Oh, you know, that’s him letting me know that’s a good decision to make.’”

“I just like to look for little things in life that seem like they’re pointing me in a certain way. Like if I don’t have the right gut feeling about something, it’s not for me.”



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