Student work showcased in StarScapes - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Student work showcased in StarScapes

StarScapes screen shot

Pictured is a screenshot of some of the students' work from the 2022 fall StarScapes online showcase.  Screenshot by Julie Newell

Julie Newell

By Julie Newell
Editor in Chief

LCC hosted the StarScapes innovation and creativity showcase online between Nov. 28 and Dec. 2.

“StarScapes is a showcase of student work,” LCC Professor of History Jeff Janowick said. “Students at LCC engage in a variety of innovative and creative work every semester, both in class and out. StarScapes provides students a venue to share that work.

“Students often complete interesting projects in class, but in many cases, only the instructor sees that work.  This is a way to share that work with the LCC community.”

StarScapes was originally scheduled to have an in-person showcase in the Michigan Room of the Gannon Building on Nov. 28 and 29, but that was canceled.

“Unfortunately, we had to cancel the in-person portion of the event due to a low level of interest,” Janowick said.” We plan on holding a more robust in-person event in the spring.”

According to Janowick, students can submit a variety of work to StarScapes.

“Students are welcome to submit course projects and assignments, but can also submit other work that they wish to share,” Janowick said. “Students have submitted capstone projects, honors projects, research projects, art works, demonstrations and other kinds of creative or intellectual work.”

Janowick said participating in StarScapes is a great way for students to share their work with the LCC community.

“We often complete interesting projects that we get excited about, but no one but the instructor ever sees,” Janowick said. “This is a way to share your excitement, get feedback, and otherwise be part of the larger college community at LCC.”

Those interested can still view the entries from this event and past ones on the StarScapes website.



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