Staff Editorial: New Year brings change - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Staff Editorial: New Year brings change

Staff Editorial: New Year brings change

The Lookout Staff

From The Lookout Staff

The year 2022 marks the beginning of the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past two years the world has been in a constant state of change, not knowing what to expect.

The world has endured a lockdown, jobs being lost, lives being turned upside down and loved ones dying.

The start of this year has brought on some disappointing changes at The Lookout. Our staff will be changing as Staff Writer Zena Farhan will be leaving due to personal reasons.

A fresh start is what the world needs in 2022. We have a new year to focus on getting past this pandemic and bettering ourselves and those around us.

The Lookout staff has made New Year’s resolutions to focus on our physical and mental health this year. To take care of ourselves and be cautious, but not let fear and negativity stop us from living our lives.

Staff Writer Arianne Olayinka and Editor in Chief Julie Newell have made resolutions to diet and exercise more this year.

Staff Writer Jacob Zokvic has made the resolution to keep track of his money and work on budgeting. The Lookout Adviser Larry Hook has made the resolution to eat healthier.

The Lookout Staff is hoping that 2022 will bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. 



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