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LCC's PTK Club grows scholars, leaders

PTK club

Pictured from left are LCC Phi Theta Kappa Club Adviser Laz Lane, President Angel Martin and Vice President Joseph Bryant III.  Photo by Sophia Potter

Sophia Potter

By Sophia Potter
Editor in Chief

The officers of Phi Theta Kappa want you to know there is more to their club than those emails you may have gotten from the National Chapter.

“I originally thought it was a scam, 100 percent,” joked PTK Vice President Joseph Bryant III.

Bryant and PTK President Angel Martin are both focused on growing the club at LCC by letting people know exactly what the club is about through more relaxed events, such as game nights.

According to the club’s website, “the mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.”

Members of PTK have access to a network of exposure opportunities as well as scholarships. Some schools partner with PTK to provide automatic scholarships to transferring students, while others must be applied for.

“The reason anyone should join PTK is because a four-year university will know your name before you even step in the door,” Bryant said.

Although the organization is mostly focused on large projects like a cybersecurity seminar coming up this October, Martin and Bryant have also been focused on planning fun events, like a game night to begin building awareness and a sense of community at LCC.

“What I love about PTK is being able to branch out and work on our own passions through projects,” Martin said.

“We can help people feel better with things like game night and empower people with things like the cybersecurity event. I think that’s amazing.”

There is a one-time fee to join PTK of $90. If finances are a barrier to entry, students can speak to the club advisers about the competitive Golden Opportunity scholarship through the national organization, which waives $60 of the fee.

PTK at the national level is focused on helping students make the shift from community college to undergraduate school. However, graduated students are able to move upward to the regional or national chapter and continue to earn scholarships through the portal.

To learn more about Phi Theta Kappa at the national level, visit the website here. Interested in joining the LCC chapter, or concerned about upfront costs? Reach out to Adviser Laz Lane at


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