LCC going cashless starting this fall - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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LCC going cashless starting this fall

LCC going cashless starting this fall

Julie Newell

By Julie Newell
Editor in Chief

LCC recently announced that it has started the process of going cashless for student payments.

“In an effort to reduce contact, improve the safety of students and employees, and increase security over transactions, LCC is converting to a cashless campus,” Director of Public Relations Marilyn Twine said.

As of July 2022, the payment desk at LCC will be closed in order to make the transition to cashless payments. By the fall 2022 semester, LCC will no longer be accepting cash payments.

“We have already started the process to notify students with information on the Student Schedule Bill and Student News,” Twine said. “Future communications will be sent in the following months, notifying students of this upcoming change.”

Twine said that LCC is going cashless for these reasons:

  • To improve the student experience by removing the need to travel to campus and stand in line to pay a bill;
  • To reduce security risks in handling cash;
  • To mitigate campus health and safety considerations;
  • To streamline campus operations and enhance internal controls.

LCC general studies student Sheila Wrather commented on what she thinks about LCC switching to cashless payments.

“I don’t see the point of going cashless as that definitely limits some people’s ability to conduct business,” Wrather said. “Yes, they could get a money order, but that’s an additional step, costs more money and people may not trust or understand that process.”

Wrather also mentioned that she is worried about international students trying to navigate the cashless system. However, she said there is a positive to the system as well.

“I guess I’m also considering that tuition is expensive, so to have students carrying that much cash around is a bit worrisome as well,” Wrather said.

According to Twine tuition payments can be made online by logging into “myLCC” and then selecting “Touchnet.” Payments can also be made through the mail with checks and money orders.

Students can email any questions about payments or the switch to cashless to



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