Julie's Jukes: Simple Halloween plans - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Julie's Jukes: Simple Halloween plans

Julie Newell

Julie Newell

By Julie Newell
Editor in Chief

Happy Halloween everyone! I’m not a huge Halloween person. However there are some aspects of Halloween that I do like.

For example: I love dressing up in costume, I love watching Halloween movies and, of course, I love eating Halloween candy!

Typically, on Halloween I would go to my hometown and participate in my church’s annual Pumpkin Fest event. Normally this event would take place inside our gymnasium, where we set up a bunch of games that kids can play and win candy.

We have free snacks like cotton candy and popcorn, and even a bounce house. It is a great way to give back to our community, and also great for those who are trick-or-treating to have a place to go that’s inside and protected from the elements.

Last year, due to COVID-19 we did not feel comfortable having hundreds of people packed into a gym, so we ended up doing a trunk-or-treat outside. It was fun and people seemed to like it. This year we are doing the same thing, but since Halloween is on a Monday and my hometown is two hours away, I sadly will not be able to go.

Having Halloween on a weekday makes it difficult for me to go that far because of work and school.

Instead of attending Pumpkin Fest, I will be spending the evening at my apartment watching Halloween movies and eating candy.

Like I said before, I am not a huge Halloween person and am not a fan of the horror genre, so my kind of Halloween movies mostly consist of Disney Channel movies. I don’t care if Disney Channel movies are cheesy and cringy, I love them.

The movie “Hocus Pocus 2” has recently come out and I thought it would be fun to wait until Halloween to watch it for the first time. So, my plan for this evening is to have a double feature, and watch the first “Hocus Pocus” and then the second one.

Depending on what time it is, I may also have a “Halloweentown” marathon and/or watch “The Haunted Mansion” or some other Disney Channel movie.

Whatever I watch, I plan to have a nice, relaxing night.



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