Jonah's Jabs:' Best dog ever' passes on - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Jonah's Jabs:' Best dog ever' passes on

Jonah's dog

Mojo the dog gets ready to take a nap during the summer of 2022.  Courtesy photo

Jonah Unger

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

I have had a lot of dogs in my lifetime. Some were good dogs and others were not so good. I have seen beautiful dogs, big dogs, small dogs and colorful dogs.

No animal so much as held a flame to my old boy, Mojo. 

Mojo was an undersized mutt my family picked up from the west side of Detroit in 2013. When we first got him he could fit into your hand. We all came to the conclusion that he was probably too small to be separated from his mother.

He was too small to eat solid food, so for the first few months we had him, we fed him through a baby bottle. 

He was a very quiet and often frightened puppy, constantly going to hide in very small and dangerous places. Multiple times the whole house would be on a dog hunt looking for him. We usually would find him under the couch or an end table whimpering.

It took some time but eventually we grew on him, and he fell in love with us just as we did with him. Once he got a little older and a little bigger, he began acting like a tough guy. He would occasionally bark at people going by, but he was all bark and no bite.

Nonetheless when it came to our safety and well-being, it was a different story. Every single night for the past eight years, Mojo would go into each and every room and check on us before he would go to bed.

He was always a happy boy, never causing problems. When we got home he would welcome us by jumping all around the living room in joy. He brought nothing but happiness to our family, especially during the hard times. He was always there to make us feel better. 

Unfortunately, he got sick and we couldn't make him feel better. His liver failed, and he stopped eating food. We wanted to take him to the vet but my family couldn't afford it. So after a short while, he slowly passed away on Monday night, Feb. 13, at 10 p.m.

We were going to have him put down, but his condition got so bad we were worried to even move him. He didn’t want us to see him like that, but we were going to be there for him, just as he was for us all those years.

He fought all the way until the end – he didn’t want to leave us. We made him very comfortable and surrounded him with his favorite toys, as we watched him take his last breath. He was still our little baby that we had fed with bottles, and taught to bark.

Mojo wasn’t a good boy. He wasn’t a great boy. He was the best boy! He might not have been the prettiest dog in the world or the strongest, but his loyalty and love were stronger and more beautiful than anything I could ask for.

Mojo will forever be missed. May he rest in love and peace.



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