Board Game Club constructed for fun - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Board Game Club constructed for fun

Board Game Club photo

LCC Board Game Club members Barbie Staley and Jeremy Breton hold a couple of the games that participants enjoy playing.  Photo by Juanita Kelly-Hill

Juanita Kelly-Hill

 By Juanita Kelly-Hill
Staff Writer   

The LCC Board Game Club is all about having fun, meeting new people and even making some friends, according to the club founder and President Barbie Staley.

“It’s a place where you can come and take a break from the day-to-day academics and experience another aspect of student life,” Staley said.

The club is open to everyone, Meetings are held every other Friday in the Gannon Building Commons, located near the food court on the first floor. 

Anyone interested can come to the next meeting on Friday, Sept. 30 from 3 to 5 p.m. There is no commitment to join the club. 

“If you can make it to one meeting, great,” Staley said. “If you can come for more, even better! Stop by when you can and leave when you want. We only ask: be kind and have fun.”

LCC student Jeremy Breton is a member of the BGC. He expressed that the club is a way for him to find relaxation and escape from academic focus.

“I really needed to be a part of something that did not include homework or work-related activities,” Breton said. “Plus, it is good for my social life.”

Breton said the club has given him a sense of comfortability, as he has found a place where he fits in. He encouraged those who are nervous about joining the club to step outside their comfort zone, which he explains is a great character builder.

For more information or questions regarding the Board Game Club, contact Adviser Matt Lemon at



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