College working to boost enrollment - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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College working to boost enrollment

Enrollment graphic

Image from Alamy Graphics

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

LCC’s 2023 fall enrollment counts have been released and, in comparison to last year’s counts, the college is seeing a decline in percentages across the board.

The overall headcount totaled 286 less people than last year, equaling out to a 2.8 percent decrease in the student population.

LCC Director of Admissions Nichole Waters said this is a nationwide issue that could possibly be solved by more universities and community colleges working together, instead of against each other.

“K-12 graduation classes continue to drop, so the pool of available students is not growing,” Waters said. “This has created intense competition for students and student enrollment. Partnerships with four-year colleges and universities could be key to reversing the enrollment trend.”

All other LCC counts also show a decline, according to the new statistics.

Credit hours have decreased by 3.9 percent. The amount of physical seats filled went down by 2.4 percent. And the total of billable hours dropped by 4.5 percent.

Waters said the LCC staff is doing everything it can to address the issue, from clarifying department and employee titles to investing in an entirely new sales force to help get people in the door.

She referred to the Michigan Reconnect program as a continuous initiative to draw students in, and explained a few other efforts that are being made behind the scenes.

“The Admissions Department has enhanced communication efforts with K-12 partners,” Waters said. “Starting in October, counselors at our K-12 schools will receive a monthly newsletter from LCC informing them of events, dates and other useful information to help students select and attend college.

“Lastly, LCC Admissions will host an ‘Influencer Breakfast’ (from) 7:30 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1 in the Michigan Room on the downtown campus to share with our K-12 school counselors and administration all the cool and unique things about LCC.”

Waters said she would also like to assure the student body the decline in enrollment will not negatively affect their experience, and LCC is committed to maintaining high academic standards.

She added there is something students can do to help.

“Share your positive experiences,” she said. “Brag about LCC to all your friends!”



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