Chloe's Chat: Finishing college is scary - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Chloe's Chat: Finishing college is scary

Chloe Gregg

Chloe Gregg

By Chloe Gregg
Editor in Chief

It is my last semester of school and I am not quite sure how I feel about it.

If you had asked me how I would have felt last year, I would have told you I was extremely excited to graduate and begin my life. But now that I am a few months out, I am increasingly becoming nervous, even dreading it.

I guess it is because I am scared of change. I have been attending school all my life, and unlike a lot of people, I genuinely enjoy it. For the last three to four years, I have gone to LCC and worked at The Lookout. For the last 15 or so years of my life, during the non-summer months, I have gone to school during the weekdays.

And now, in just a few months, I will not be.

It feels like I am bidding adieu to a part of my life I am not quite sure I am done with. There is a certain amount of dependence that many students have that I cannot rely on anymore. All of these years were building up to graduation and this moment. And now that it is here, I am scared.

In less than five months, I am meant to find a job, move out, and start my real life. In less than five years, I may even be married with a kid. In less than five months, all of the things that I had put off while waiting to not be a student will finally be palpable.

If I wanted to take a random week-long vacation during the school months, I totally could. If I wanted to move to a different state, I totally could. Once I graduate, the possibilities are endless.

And yet, I am terrified to move on from this part of my life. I just hope that as it gets closer, I will get more excited.



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