Chloe's Chat: Semester speeds up - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Chloe's Chat: Semester speeds up

Chloe's Chat: Semester speeds up

Chloe Gregg

By Chloe Gregg
Associate Editor

It is once again that time of the semester where classes go by in a blur and suddenly you are not sure if it is March, April, or May, or which of your classes is doing what.

To me, it always feels like school goes by so much faster after we get back from spring break. Before spring break, I had felt so in need of a break, and felt like this semester needed to get a move on. And then I had a wonderful spring break with my mom on a cruise. When I got back, time was flying.

Now we are somehow in the beginning of April and only have, what? Four or so weeks left? That is insane!

But, of course, we also all know what that means. It is that time of the semester where you have four different projects in four different classes while simultaneously taking two or three exams a week, a six-page essay due in your fifth class, and are still trying to meet the minimum requirement of patients see. Or maybe that is just me.

I know that there must be quite a few other people out there too who are in a similar boat. Here is to passing all of our classes with flying colors and unscathed! Good luck to everyone for these next few weeks; we are going to need it.

In all seriousness, though, summer is coming up soon! And that is something to look forward to. I, unfortunately, will be attending school in the summer, but on the bright side that means I will be able to continue to work at The Lookout and write more amazing columns.

Also, I will only be going to school for two classes two days out of the week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so that really will not be bad at all (although Tuesdays will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., which does not sound fun at all).

This also means that (as I said in a previous column of mine) camping is right around the corner. And with a lot of my week free, there is a lot of camping to be done.

So, although these next few weeks might be really tough, there is a reward at the end of the tunnel. And I, for one, am definitely looking forward to it, and this next semester of school.



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