Many choices in book cart name game - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Many choices in book cart name game

Book cart duo

LCC Library Director John Szilagyi and Library Communications Specialist Abby Tebeau stand next to one of the library's beloved book carts.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

They say something isn’t really yours until you give it a name, so LCC Library Communications Specialist Abby Tebeau set up an adorable contest to name the library’s beloved book carts and students are loving it!

“We have about 60 carts,” Tebeau said. “We are not naming all of them, but we will be naming the ones that go out on the floor and are seen.”

“Anyone was allowed to participate. We already did the submission part and we got almost 300 name suggestions. None of them were inappropriate, which was amazing.”

Students are now being asked to pick 25 of their favorite submissions out of the final 87 presented by the judges.

“We have a communication and outreach team and we all went through the list and picked the ones that were our favorites,” Tebeau said. “We were looking for a good pun or something with some sort of library theme.”

To see all the final 87 names and to cast your vote, click here. There will also be a QR code attached to a cart near the atrium on the second floor of the TLC building. Those interested can also check the library’s social media for a link.

A brand-new cricket, located in the technology lab, will soon be available for general student use, but will also be used to make these “name tags” after the winners are announced.

The announcement is promised no later than May 1 and, while there will be no specific names announced or prizes given away, the pride of winning will belong to someone.

Director of the Library Dr. John Szilagyi, who oversaw the project, said this was meant to be more than just a contest, but an initiative to bring people in.

“We want to make the library as welcoming a space as possible,” Szilagyi said. “So, we hope doing something fun like this gets students to want to be here and will make them feel included.

“We just want them to see the library as a fun place.”



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