New LCC trustees sworn in at meeting - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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New LCC trustees sworn in at meeting

Sworn in - Garcia Jr.

Noel Garcia Jr. takes the oath of office as a new LCC trustee , which is administered by the Honorable Molly Hennessey Greenwalt.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

Mallory Stiles

By Mallory Stiles
Editor in Chief

Newly appointed Trustees Noel Garcia Jr. and Dr. Terrence Frazier were officially sworn in at the beginning of the LCC Board of Trustees meeting Monday, Feb. 19 in the Administration Building Board Room.

Chair Angela Mathews addressed the room first, setting a tone of passionate amiability.

“Thank you to all who took time out of your schedule to be with us this evening for the swear-in ceremony of the newly appointed trustees, Trustee Terrance Frazier and Trustee Noel Garcia Jr.,” Mathews said. “I also want to extend a warm welcome and thank the Honorable Shauna Dunnings and the Honorable Molly Hennessey Greenwalt for their administration of this oath of office.”

Mathews took a moment to reiterate the purpose of the inaugural proceedings. She said the exchange is an oath of affirmation, and the final step in the trustee’s acceptance of office.

Shortly after her opening comments, hands were raised and vows were accepted. After each oath had been completed, trustees Frazier and Garcia took their new seats.

sworn inThe Honorable Shauna Dunnings of the 30th Circuit Court administers the oath of office to new LCC Trustee Terrence Frazier.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

group at board meetingNew Trustees Terrence Frazier and Noel Garcia Jr. gather with judges Shauna Dunnings and Molly Hennessey Greenwalt for a commemorative picture.  Photo by Mallory Stiles

President Steve Robinson kicked things off with a bit of excitement by announcing a key detail about this year’s commencement ceremony.  

“Our team has achieved something that has been a goal of mine since I returned to Michigan,” Robinson said grinning. “So, I am really happy to tell you that our 66th commencement speaker this year will be the Honorable Gretchen Whitmer.”

After a thunderous applause died down, Robinson said he is also exceptionally proud of LCC for a recent positive rating from Standard and Poor’s,” a global ratings company that analyzes and publishes financial records and findings.

“A double A rating from Standard & Poor’s really identifies that we have a history of balanced financial operations, good financial resources relative to our expenses, and that we balance being one of the most affordable community colleges in the state with a strong fund balance and fiscal stability,” Robinson said.

The next announcement was related to a newly- planned renovation of the first floor of the Gannon Building, which will commemorate the historical contributions of African Americans in Greater Lansing. 

“The next phase of this is a major gifts campaign where we are raising really large amounts of money,” Robinson said. “So, we will be doing a major donor event where we can show folks the space.”

Robinson took a moment to thank Kathy Sullivan and the foundation staff at LCC for their recent efforts on the project. Robinson then concluded his report with the introduction of the new executive assistant to the dean, Shelah Amburgey.

A clip was shared in which Robinson was interviewed by Fox 47 about a community outreach initiative in which a link to a public survey would be posted for every member of the community to access on LCC’s homepage.

Click here to see or share the clip.



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