Greg Lattig loves duties as LCC's A.D. - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Greg Lattig loves duties as LCC's A.D.

Greg Lattig

LCC Athletic Director Greg Lattig is shown in his office, which was recently relocated to room 1225 on the first floor of the Gannon Building. Photo by Johan Unger

Jonah Unger

By Jonah Unger
Staff Writer

Greg Lattig has been working as LCC’s athletic director for about 11 months. Before joining LCC he was the athletic director at Mason High School for 15 years. 

“It’s been a great change for me professionally to join the college,” Lattig said. 

Lattig said his job mostly consists of supporting coaches and student/athletes. He said he works to give them resources, and is in charge of eligibility and scheduling.

One big difference between working at Mason High School and LCC is that Mason has 24 sports, compared to LCC’s nine.

“There is a difference, but I don’t know how big,” Lattig said. “At Mason, it was more event management, more student/athletes and more coaches. Whereas this (job at LCC) is more the administrative part of eligibility and the HR process, as well as the budget process. In the end I am still working with coaches and student/athletes, and that is what I like.”  

LCC Cross Country and Track Coach James Robinson offered high praise for Lattig’s skills as A.D.

“Greg is, in my mind, one of the best athletic directors we’ve had,” Robinson said. “He is passionate about LCC sports, and he’s more than just an administrator.”

Lattig has coached numerous sports during his professional career, including basketball, tennis and cross country. He has also played tennis himself. He also enjoys watching sports on TV.

“Watching sports is the best reality TV there is,” Lattig said.

The LCC Stars are Lattig's favorite sports teams, but other than that he is a big fan of the Michigan Wolverines. He is also a fan of any team from Cleveland; the reason being that it is his hometown.

“(Cleveland teams are) a lot like Detroit teams,” Lattig said. “We always think we are going to be good and it never works out.”

Lattig can be reached at (517) 483-1622 

More information on LCC sports is available here.




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