Athlete Spotlight: Elysia Causley - The Lookout - LCC's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1959
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Athlete Spotlight: Elysia Causley

Athlete Spotlight: Elysia Causley

Julie Newell

The Lookout Editor in Chief Julie Newell recently conversed with women's basketball player Elysia Causley. The freshman, who attended Cedarville High School, is a general studies major at Lansing Community College.

When did you start playing basketball?
"(When I was) 5 years old.

Why did you start playing basketball?
"It's always been part of my family. My dad has been a basketball coach his whole life so I grew up in the gym, so I would say that it just kind of came natural to me. I picked up a ball and it was meant to be."

How does athletics make you a better student?
"It's motivation to keep going and working hard, because if I'm not doing good in school then there's no basketball."

What is the best part about competing?
"Testing and challenging yourself and others. If you go hard and continue to go hard you will do things you didn't think you could. It's a great feeling."

What is your game-day routine?
"Wake up, get a good meal in, get my mind right, do a 100-shot warm up, focus in and patiently wait till we can play."

What is your favorite basketball memory?
"My freshman year of high school, it was my first high school basketball game. I hit a three to send us into overtime and we came out with a win. I'll never forget that day."

What are your goals for the remainder of the season?
"I hope I can get a double-double in a game and get my scoring up more from where it's at to help my team."

What are your future plans?
"Work to get a degree in social work. And if I get the opportunity to keep playing that would be awesome."



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